Booker for Distributor: The email address should not be a mandatory field
Booker for Distributor: The email address should not be a mandatory field as the assistants do not know each single email address of all employees they are doing reservations for. At the moment they are using the same email address for different guests. So the guest profiles are overwritten anytime. If we are creating reservations manually, the email address is also not a mandatory field. It should be enough to have the email address of the booker. That is the only way to use the distributor valueable for corporate guests.

Hi Mewsers,
for all booking done by booker, you can now configure whether the guest e-mail is mandatory or optional.
We recommend to keep guest’s e-mail required but if you need to set guests e-mail optional, here is how to do it:
1. Go to Settings > Stay > Distributor configurations and select the configuration from the list.
2. In the configuration scroll down to field:
“Guest email (when booker is not a guest) *” and select “Optional” option.
With this set up only booker’s e-mail will be required on the “Details” page.
Have a great day,
Frank Blattl commented
Thanks a lot, Aneta & Team!
Yvonne Blattl commented
Great :-) We are looking forward to this feature