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Mews Guest Journey

Mews Guest Journey



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  1. Be in CCI or CC of confirmation email

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    unlikely  ·  Aneta responded

    Hi Mewsers!
    Thank you for your input. Can you please elaborate a bit more on what are you trying to solve with this feature suggestion?

    If you need to monitor which emails we sent to your guests from Mews, you can see it in Queue > Mails.

    The reason why we don’t allow properties to access the content of emails is that emails contain unique links to the Guests Navigator where guest manages his or her reservation/profile/payment cards/ etc.

    I am looking forward to hear about your needs and then we can brainstorm about a possible solution.

    Have a great day,

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    unlikely  ·  Jan Pulkrábek responded

    Hello from the Mews product team. Thank you for your suggestion. Unfortunately, this request will not be added to the Mews development roadmap and is unlikely to be delivered. Thank you for sharing your suggestions.

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  4. Many of our guests are quite concerned that the deposit they have paid is not shown on the confirmation email. Could we please include this on the confirmation

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  5. If a regular booker (who has their default language in Dutch) books a room and wants an English confirmation, in stead of Dutch this is not possible. It would be great that when the booking engine language is set in a specific language, the bookers (or guest) gets the confirmation in that language.

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  6. After sending the confirmation email to the guest, if any modification are done afterward, the guest do not see them on their preview. Unfortunatelly the system does not update accordingly, we always need to send a new confirmation email. It would be really nice if all the time when we make a modification or add an item, the guests can see it as well on their preview. So we would not need to send a new confirmation email always.

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  7. Have the option to choose several sorting options in multi-stay reservations. E.g. by arrival date or by guest name.

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  8. When setting up space categories, we have the field "Order email template".

    Unfortunately the text filled into this field is not sent in the default confirmation email.
    You have to set up a custom confirmation email.

    My request is: Please include the "Order email template" text in the default confirmation email.

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    Hello from the Mews product team. Thank you for your suggestion, we have updated your request and set it as one to be upvoted by the Mews Community. Remember you can share a link to your request so that your colleagues can also upvote your suggestion.

  9. It would be great to be able to turn off auto emails from Mews to the reservations made via our direct connection with Booking. The guests receive these emails, thinking they are from Booking, which confuses them.

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    unlikely  ·  Jan Pulkrábek responded

    Hello from the Mews product team. Thank you for your suggestion. Unfortunately, this request will not be added to the Mews development roadmap and is unlikely to be delivered. Thank you for sharing your suggestions.

  10. In Menu -> Settings -> Property -> Guest experience -> Mail template it would be great to change from there if a mailing is active or not. So each row has for each service a checkbox "active" to change the specific option.

    Most of these options are right now in the service settings which is ok but it would be great if you could see and change these options in one place at the mail template screen.

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  11. Net Properties would like to see the breakdown of total cost in Confirmation and Quotation Emails between Net + Tax, and then Gross Value.

    Currently only Gross Total is displayed.

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  12. Speratate the details and the button in {messageDetailsHtml} to allow the "Reply" button as a unique placeholder URL, as it is the only button you can't edit or manipulate using HTML.

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  13. Automatic email templates for event, traffic changes,...
    Template can be created with the necessary information ( + possible link)
    To inform guests of events taking place during stay ( that may have an impact).
    E.g. local city events that have an impact on accessibility for that arriving or departing guest.
    New Year's dinner/ Party, ...

    These templates should then be able to be created, and linked to a future date, that all guests arriving/departing or in hotel at that time can receive an email about this ( (Automatically sent out by Mews)

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  14. For emails sent from an hourly service booking, it would be useful if the booked hours could be included in the booking details (e.g. the customer can see that they have booked a room from 9am 30/07/23 - 4pm 30/07/23). Currently only the date is shown. We are using the hourly service for our meeting room.

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  15. Create a new placeholder for confirmation emails so that any travel agent confirmation numbers entered into Mews are displayed in the email.

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  16. The standard mail templates provided by mews are great! However, one might want to make small adjustments.

    Currently, if you customize an email template the english 'Mews standard version' is shown. But for translations the fields are empty.
    Our only option is to have each mail template send to a test booking in every language and then deconstruct the html and translated texts in order to load them back in the system and change one or two words.

    Seems silly.

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    Hello from the Mews product team. Thank you for your suggestion, we have updated your request and set it as one to be upvoted by the Mews Community. Remember you can share a link to your request so that your colleagues can also upvote your suggestion.

  17. In the quotation template you can use placeholder "chatLink" but not "chatUrl", can this be added please?

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    unlikely  ·  Jan Pulkrábek responded

    Hello from the Mews product team. Unfortunately, this request has not received the necessary upvotes to be added to the Mews development roadmap and is unlikely to be delivered. Thank you for sharing your suggestions. 

  18. The ability to send out customized emails based on the day of the week a guest is arriving.

    As a hotel that offers different events and tours during the week, we want to be able to notify a guest prior to their arrival with information that is pertinent to their stay & experience only.

    Guest is arriving monday.
    They get email telling them about Monday Night Event, Tuesday Day Event, Tuesday Evening Event.

    Guest arriving on Wednesday.
    They get email telling them about Wednesday Night Event, Thursday Day Event, Thursday Evening Event.

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    unlikely  ·  Jan Pulkrábek responded

    Hello from the Mews product team. Unfortunately, this request has not received the necessary upvotes to be added to the Mews development roadmap and is unlikely to be delivered. Thank you for sharing your suggestions. 

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