CreatedUtc and UpdatedUtc on accountingItems
Hi there !
We need to have possibility to get an CreatedUtc and an UpdatedUtc on accountingItems.
Could you please update your API which would allow us to get this dates ?
Thanks !!

AccountingItems is now split into Payments and Order Items. Both endpoints have created and Updated UTC.
AdminLaura Asplin (Admin, MEWS) commented
AccountingItems is now split into Payments and Order Items. Both endpoints have created and Updated UTC.
Jeroen Heddes commented
This would really help limiting our calls to the Mews API. If you need all items for the current year on a daily basis, you have to read all items again every day.
Toscano commented
Hi Sylvia,
We just need to call this dates cause we need to upload data everyday ( or severals times in a day ) in our dataplateform. That's why we can't accept to get all accounting items, we just need new or modified ones.
This is a critical request. Thanks again.
Bertrand Dumas commented
Hello Sylvia,
This idea already exists in "unlikely" ideas but it seems that it's really important to take time on this subject, globally.
reservations/getAll and reservations/getAllItems allow to retrieve data using created/updated/canceled filters in request (and same data in response), but, there is no endpoint to retreive orders on additionals services; the only one is accountingItems/getAll endpoint and on this endpoint we can't filter using serviceId, neither created/updated/canceled states and, moreover, these fields are not in response. -
POUPAERT commented
EB commented
Merci !
Jacques Martinez commented
Très important merci !
CHAMPALOUX commented
Top !