Connector on Server
Yep, the issues we have that is looks like this mews connector is something you install on a desktop and then manually start it or something.
We need to have this running on a server as a service/deamon, so it autostarts when we the server is started and not for a user to login and autostart.
We have it autostarting, and autouserlogin, with locks the screen after a few moniutes, but that is not how it should be running, should be a bit more robust.
Preferably also with something to monitor (logs, proceses, http requests) so our monitoring can see the health of the connector.
Can this be added (with some priority) on your roadmap?

A short update: we are currently investigating with our team to determine the feasibility of making a cross-platform, Windows-service ready, version of Mews Connector. More news on this investigation in the coming weeks.
Florian Haller commented
i think its obvious and i am wondering why nothing happened since 2020.
Every hotel should have running the connecotr on its server and not on a computer imo
so pls fix this -
Arno Schuh commented
I agree on this subject, the MEWS Connector should run as a Windows Service, without any third party Tools. Having the Connector running as User Process will most of the time be an issue during shift changes or when users are not logged in due do other reasons.
For Business continue reasons it would be a MUST have for such a sophisticated product, especially having in mind that you will have a much better SLA on Server Hardware than on normal Clients, in case of a hardware failure.