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70 results found
128 votes
Hey everyone!
I'm happy to announce that we're currently working on various improvements around Routing Rules 👏 We've significantly scaled the solution from continuous and monthly routing to route additional services through integrations to cover many use cases and we're now in closed beta.
If you're interested in finding more or join the beta testing to share your feedback, please, reply to the email.
An error occurred while saving the comment Jean-Philipp SPIESS supported this idea ·
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Jean-Philipp SPIESS commented
Another possible use of AI: create tasks and notes based on reservation details: for example if occupancy requires extra bed setup or extra/Packages have been requested create corresponding notes and tasks attached to the reservation…
Jean-Philipp SPIESS shared this idea ·
5 votes
Jean-Philipp SPIESS shared this idea ·
8 votes
Jean-Philipp SPIESS shared this idea ·
188 votes
Hi there! Thank you for your feedback,
We’ve set this idea as one to be upvoted and updated the category to “Operations”.
Remember you can share a link to this request for your colleagues and fellow hoteliers to upvote.
Jean-Philipp SPIESS supported this idea ·
8 votes
Jean-Philipp SPIESS supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Jean-Philipp SPIESS commented
Yes, it should be possible to specify, or at least it should be easily viewable, which data is stored for how long.
Due to the GDPR, data should only be stored for as long as it is required by law or due to civil law obligations. -
56 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Jean-Philipp SPIESS commented
The question how to download the PDF invoices is often asked in the community.
If it's a legal requirement to save/archive the PDF as it was sent to the guest or printed for the guest, then MEWS should do that in a compliant way and allow easy bulk retrieval if required by authorities or auditors.
There is no point in manually downloading and saving them - they should stay in the system unless needed.
Also in this context the question of storage period arises - there is no way to set a storage policy in MEWS. No one knows or can decide how long what data is stored... -
6 votes
Jean-Philipp SPIESS supported this idea ·
2 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Jean-Philipp SPIESS commented
Also in the other mail templates, especially in "before start" and "before start reminder" please!
Jean-Philipp SPIESS supported this idea ·
3 votes
Jean-Philipp SPIESS supported this idea ·
5 votes
Jean-Philipp SPIESS supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Jean-Philipp SPIESS commented
We use as a wraper for the mews connector.
Works very reliably since about a year.
However, I agree that it's not state of the are to not support it out of the box... :-) -
4 votes
Jean-Philipp SPIESS supported this idea ·
2 votes
Jean-Philipp SPIESS shared this idea ·
150 votes
Jean-Philipp SPIESS supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Jean-Philipp SPIESS commented
If you ever redesign the templating system, try to make it possible to separate content from styling. At best it would be great to have a three tiered cascading templating system:
1. General CSS Styling (a separate field valid for all email templates to quickly and consistently change styling)
2. Generall company information content (like Logo, legal footer), to facilitate fast and consistently key corporate ID and legal requirement parts - one field for all templates
3. actual content - this is of course individual to each template - it resembles the content that we currently have minus the header and footer parts -
1 vote
Jean-Philipp SPIESS shared this idea ·
3 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Jean-Philipp SPIESS commented
when a reservation is manually modified in mews operations no new confirmation is set to the guest automatically. It would be a nice feature to remind the user that a new confirmation should be sent out after a modification has been done. Then, upon user confirmation, a new reservation confirmation should be sent via email.
However, no confirmation should be sent automatically, especially not for channel manager modification, only after user confirms it.Jean-Philipp SPIESS supported this idea ·
2 votes
Jean-Philipp SPIESS shared this idea ·
11 votes
Hello from the Mews product team,
Thank you for your suggestion, we have updated your request and set it as one to be upvoted by the Mews Community. Remember you can share a link to your request so that your colleagues can also upvote your suggestion.
Kind regards,
The Mews Team
An error occurred while saving the comment Jean-Philipp SPIESS commented
I would like to add, that it would also be nice to have such a feature during online CheckOut. Actually, it should be pretty easy to develop (OK, not THAT easy ...). There is the existing feature to claim services/products (additional services) during online CheckOut. However, currently products under additional service may only have a fixed price. I suggest to extend this functionality similar to service attached products to also have the ability to make them calculate relatively based on the total service charges.
This way we could for example set it up like this and have a nice product claim of
Tip / Gratuity
→ add 1% Tip
→ add 2% Tip
→ add 5% Tipat Online CkeckOut. I bet most would select 2% (or whatever is the middle option) :-)
Maybe some nice remark on the CheckOut page “Would you like to add some tip”?
Jean-Philipp SPIESS supported this idea ·
19 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Jean-Philipp SPIESS commented
I would like to add, that it would also be nice to have such a feature during online CheckOut. Actually, it should be pretty easy to develop. There is the existing feature to claim services/products (additional services) during online CheckOut. However, currently products under additional service may only have a fixed price. I suggest to extend this functionality similar to service attached products to also have the ability to make them calculate relatively based on the total service charges.
This way we could for example set it up like this and have a nice product claim of
Tip / Gratuity
→ add 1% Tip
→ add 2% Tip
→ add 5% Tipat Online CkeckOut. I bet most would select 2% (or whatever is the middle option) :-)
Maybe some nice remark on the CheckOut page “Would you like to add some tip”?
I think this would be easier to implement than with the terminal, because it only needs to be implemented on the MEWS side, no terminal software involved, right? However, I agree that on the terminal it would reach more customers… also during the actual terminal payment people do not really pay attention to the display on the terminal (I wonder if they check the actual amount ...), they would be confused be a step like “would you like to add some tip”? And how much? To much decisisons for the stressful payment, i guess.
Jean-Philipp SPIESS supported this idea ·
6 votes
Hello from the Mews product team. Thank you for your suggestion, we have updated your request and set it as one to be upvoted by the Mews Community. Remember you can share a link to your request so that your colleagues can also upvote your suggestion.
Jean-Philipp SPIESS supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Jean-Philipp SPIESS commented
Hello! 2FA could be improved to make it less annoying. See thread at
Automatic session locking is not generally solved yet (see following thread)
Enhancing user security with Auto-lock Chrome Extension Tutorial
Make 2FA less anoying:
- Sessions could/should remain active for a prolonged time (couple of days), if ...
* automatic session lock (with pin code) would be possible accross all devices, independent of browser extensions/scripts (see 1)
* login happened from a white-listed IP range (ip range of hotel/office)
- Make it possible and easy to register more than one TOTP authentication device to an account, so that users can have backup device
- provide an option in the marketplace to order packages of hardware TOTP tokens for hotels that cannot or don’t want to use employees private devices with 2FA apps
Allow Passkeys in addition to 2FA, so that one can authenticate either with a passkey + pin OR Username/PW+TOTP, depending on where you are - that way reception/on-site staff could easily login with pin from authenticated devices (where passkeys are stored), or with TOTP 2FA from off-site networks
Provide the option restict login to property specific white listed IP ranges, OR IP locations (GeoIP based) (for example a hotel in Europe will not need logins from Asian IPs)I hope I could provide a few ideas. I think there are really many things that need to be improved, but need carefull consideration and panning. I think the current rush to enforce TOTP 2FA is not planned well enough - I guess that many properties will struggle with that and internal IT support teams will get some load from users having troubles setting up their 2FA App, resetting it when lost/new phone, etc… good luck with that ;-)
In summary the things that most annoy me at the moment are: daily 2FA reauthentication, no default auto-locking of sessions with pin code, and the fact that it is not straight forward easy to register a second backup 2FA device/app. If a hotel has a larger user base, there are propably a few more things with mass user managment issues - but since we are a small place, someone else needs to address those ;-)
Hello! Currently only items are routed but not the payment. For Payments done automatically with a virtual credit card it would be useful in certain situations (expedia collect reservations for example) to route the automatic payment via virtual card also to the corresponding company/travelagent bill..