Customizeable Email Templates
We need more customization options in the mail templates. To create a new template and choose when it is sent would be greatly beneficial. We also need more options to customize the existing templates, we should be able to use all existing placeholders in all emails, so for example we could include just arrival date or number of guests, without departure date and rate.

Ludwig Vanden Eynde commented
Would be very useful for packages. We are selling a spa package, room + spa. Once booking is confirmed we'd like to have a booking link in the confirmation allowing the guest to reserve his/her slot for the massage.
Claudia Will commented
Es wäre toll, wenn man individuelle Templates selber erstellen und dann über MEWS versenden könnte.
Werner Kochhäuser commented
Dem stimme ich voll zu.
Wir haben Raten für die Portale und ich stehe gerade vor der Herausforderung, dass Gäste, die über die Portale gebucht haben, die gleiche Buchungsbestätigung bekommen wie Gäste, die direkt bei mir gebucht haben. Ich würde den Gästen mit der Portalen Rate gerne andere Bestätigungen zuschicken.Aber mir fallen noch weitere Verwendungsmöglichkeiten ein für eine nach Raten differenzierte Mailingstrategie.
Also klarer Vote dafür.
Jean-Philipp SPIESS commented
If you ever redesign the templating system, try to make it possible to separate content from styling. At best it would be great to have a three tiered cascading templating system:
1. General CSS Styling (a separate field valid for all email templates to quickly and consistently change styling)
2. Generall company information content (like Logo, legal footer), to facilitate fast and consistently key corporate ID and legal requirement parts - one field for all templates
3. actual content - this is of course individual to each template - it resembles the content that we currently have minus the header and footer parts -
Jacob Hartvig Nielsen commented
The option for editing or customizing email templates today is not very good. The problem is that you either have to use the default template 100%, or you have to create the template from scratch in HTML/CSS. There is no middle ground if you just want to make small changes to the text in MEWS' default templates.
If you choose to build the email templates from scratch, you end up with a lot of HTML and CSS from MEWS that you can't avoid. For example, the logo appears at the top of the email along with some text at the bottom, and when you look at the code, there is quite a bit of other HTML and CSS that conflicts with what you insert yourself. The CSS for buttons that you add, for instance, is not the same as the one used in MEWS' default template. For example, the {ManageReservation} button looks fine in Outlook 2016 in the default template – but if you use the button in a customized template, the button appears incorrectly in Outlook 2016.
If MEWS could integrate better editing with, for instance, drag-and-drop elements (like, it would be much better. Alternatively, they could try to address some of the other issues mentioned above.
Bojana Karalic commented
It would be good to have a template for each rate. It was already mentioned but having more freedom with email templates in terms of adding more template options by hotels based on their own needs, as selection now is very limited.
Mews seems to be a trying something new and making things simpler for guests and staff, but there are certainly some fields to be improved.
jones.eth commented
Thanks. Do you even handle the payment status mails or verification with that? We have an integration that can handle some of the mails that mews sends but not all.
Maurits Bots commented
@jones.eth You will need to seek an integration that will allow you to make all mailings from there. We use deployteq as email automation, but there are several integrations out there
jones.eth commented
Is there an viable alternative to replace the mews mailings?
Maurits Bots commented
having not even the option to segment confirmation mailings based on 'business' or 'leisure'.. i dont expect much (enterprise) customers wanting to continue using the mews email option
jones.eth commented
Right now there are no adjustable mailing templates in mews only adjustable mailing "contents" which is incredibly weak and a bad hit for corporate design and even the customer journey (reduced trust because its in a completely different design than anything else). For a pms that is centered around the customer this should really be different!
I think it would be useful to add an global option for template and probably even for each individual mailing. So you could adjust this for single mailings if you want (which is asked for in different ideas).
You could use a single settings field in which you could copy a whole html template (for example from our newsletter provider) and only add an placeholder/variable where the content (defined in the singular mailings) is added. If you dont use this field in a singular mailing the global setting is used, if nothing is set there the standard mews template is used (works in a cascade).
If a mailing is defined mews shouldnt add anything else around that. Styles that are needed for individual mailing contents should be added probably there.
Felix Helbling commented
The existing birthday report only displays the birthdays of guests who are currently staying at the hotel. - In order to create a birthday mailing, a birthday query must be created that takes into account the entire guest list and not just those who are currently in the hotel. The birthday report could be linked to MailChimp, for example. In this way, a birthday mailing could be sent automatically every day and former guests could be motivated to stay again, for example with a birthday present.
Zatia commented
Hoping for more placeholders/the opportunity to create custom placeholders for editing our mail templates. The available placeholders are limiting for the design of our quotation or confirmation emails, especially the {reservationDetailsHtml} and {summaryHtml} placeholders.
We are aiming for a certain look to fit our brand but these placeholders look like misfits. We are a digital company as well so we rely heavily on our online materials to showcase our brand and we are hoping to have the freedom to edit the way reservation details on emails are presented.
Hope this can be given attention.
sannedeleeuw20 commented
We agree. For us it is also important that we can adjust the time-frame a certain email template is sent. For example, the before-start e-mail is sent 48 hours before arrival. We would like to customize templates by also changing the time-frame.
Anonymous commented
There is a need to send customizable pre-arrival emails, based off of pre-written templates that are specific to the guest's room type. A couple of different template options, and the ability to customize the message before sending it. That's what we need, desperately.
Felix Helbling commented
Currently in Mews is apparent when a guest has a birthday during their stay at the hotel. However, for guest retention, it would be helpful if a birthday email is automatically sent to existing guests. This could be linked to a special offer, for example. - It would be ideal if this birthday mail could be sent directly from Mews. - Alternatively, it would also be conceivable if a link could be made with Zapier. Currently there is no trigger field in Mews, which can be used for this purpose.
Felix Helbling commented
Is there a possibility to create a report every day with the guests who have a birthday today?
Laura Jimenez commented
i would like to send an email to all guests staying with us for example in july & personalise each mail with the guest name
Alex Iuhas commented
It will be great if there will be the possibility of creating new email templates that we can send manually to any reservation that we want. This will save us a lot of time for example for all the reservations we have to charge with POS and the credit card is denied, we have send an email manually one by one in each case. It will be much easier if we can create new email templates on our own for cases like this.