Customizable Online Check-in requirements
As many guests utilize online check-in before arrival, it is currently designed to ask for only legally required details as part of the form. Many properties, however, would prefer to collect specific pieces of data that may not be included as part of that legal obligation. For this reason, implementing optional or customizable fields for online check-in would help properties to prioritize the data that is valuable to them.

Hi everyone, we know this idea was logged a long time ago and we thank you for the feedback and ideas about how to improve the system. We do keep an eye on these requests and how they're progressing and we recognise we have room to improve in terms of providing feedback.
This idea has become a large group of different requests, so I want to clarify the intention and progress related to this. Please do reply and comment as necessary.
We have previously made progress towards a big part of the original intent of this idea by introducing a 'Check in form' configuration in Mews Operations. You can find more details on this in our help guides here. We are not yet marking this as complete until we deliver some further enhancements to which guests the data can be configured for. We plan to share more on this in the coming months.
Thank you for your continued feedback.
Tamara Stenzel commented
We would be very happy, if Mews Kiosk and online Check In could also ask for the data of accompanying guests. All in all I agree with lot of other users, that each hotel should be able to decide which data is required and which is optional. The easiest would be if all data which is part of a guests profile (main guest and accompanying persons) could be chosen as part of check in process (Kiosk and Guest Portal) either required or optional.
Max Witzmann commented
We still have problems with this issue. In Austria, MEws Kiosk and the Mews guest portal require too much data from guests. Mews requires the address of all people. However, only the address of one person is required. This leads to unnecessary long check-in times.
Jonas Mog commented
The idea from 2018 (!) with the most upvotes on the entire platform has not yet been implemented. Isn't it slowly being planned?
Claas Normann Mäder commented
Hi / critical to get customer & company data at pre/check in since the customer would like that personal Data to be given ahead of check in.
Safiya Driessen commented
As hotel it should be possible to make certain field required. We would like to have the adress and license plate. however this is not mandatory.
Femke van der Meer commented
Allow NL properties to ask for Identity documents but leave it optional so have a more speedy checkin.
Now guest still need to go through the steps since the passport is missing from the profiles while its available in the kiosk.
Max Witzmann commented
With Mews it is not possible in Tyrol to keep the guest sheet collection according to the law. Mews captures the signature but does not pass it on to Omniboost Feratel, which assigns the consecutive registration number. The legal requirements for the guest sheet collection can be found here: biggest problems with the current process are:
The main reporter cannot add the data of the accompanying persons.
There is no sequential number assigned from Mews to the reporting sheet.
If I use Kiosk, the signature already made is ignored.
Provided that one uses the print form: This is anything but user friendly. Guests need quite a long time to find their way around. customers have problems using the check in link.
---------- Original German message -----------
Mit Mews ist es nicht möglich in Tirol die Gästeblattsammlung nach Gesetz zu führen. Mews erfasst zwar die Unterschrift reicht diese aber nicht an Omniboost Feratel weiter welche die fortlaufende Meldenummer vergibt. Die gesetzlichen Anforderungen an die Gästeblattsammlung findet mann hier: größten Probleme mit dem momentanen Prozessen sind:
1. Der Hauptmeldende kann nicht die Daten der Begleitpersonen ergänzen.
2. Es wird keine fortlaufende Nummer von Mews auf das Meldeblatt vergeben.
3. Wenn ich Kiosk verwende wird die bereits geleistete Unterschrift ignoriert
4. Sofern man das Printformular benützt: Dies ist alles andere als Benutzerfreundlich. Gäste benötigen ziemlich lange sich darauf zurechtzufinden
5. Kunden haben Probleme den Check in link zu verwenden. -
Aleksandra Jacel commented
the property should be able to decide which data they will be collecting and processing ref to GDPR according to the rule of minimizing of data processing, so I opt for enabling the property deciding which fields with Guest's data are mandatory, which are optional
Gieta Seymour commented
The ability to add BOTH the ability to make field mandatory or optional as well as customisable fields to a customer profile would support a number of business process improvements and regulatory requirements.
Mick.Vazquez commented
Currently the online check-in form collects First name, Last name, email & address.
Our business needs to collect Salutation/Title, Gender, Date of Birth, Phone number, nationality for each person.
The 'Online check-in' process should save the customer time, however having to provide the rest of their details on arrival doesn't save them any time.
It would be good to be able to define by property what fields are presented to the guests in the check-in.
Peggy Picano-Nacci commented
- Replace 'Nationality' with 'Country of Residence' on the Distributor interface, as a guest's country of residence is more meaningful than their nationality, especially given the current travel restrictions in place. Or, have both fields in Distributor settings but give the hotel the option to choose which one to use on the interface
- Give an option to the hotel to make that field compulsory on Distributor
- Add 'Country of Residence' in the Marketing section of the Managers Analytics: for the same reason than mentioned in the first point, as in today's world, you don't always live in the country you're from! -
Peggy Picano-Nacci commented
It would be great to:
- separate the card verification process from the online check-in process. As it stands, for Commander bookings, the automatic settlement is not triggered unless the client verifies the card details and the only location they can do so is on Navigator, via the 'Add your info' button on the Confirmation email (which is not on the Booker confirmation email, an issue for bookings made via travel agents, which we receive a few of). In doing so, clients are told they are checked-in, which confuses or deters them as they then think they're not able to cancel anymore (which is of course not the case). So a rewording would be helpful or, as suggested here, more options for the hotels to choose from, make mandatory if required, etc.
- give hotels more options to show their privacy and hotel policies check-box (e.g. add a box if required, etc.)
- give hotels the ability to customise the branding Navigator -
Cyprien BOCHER commented
During the online check-in, it could be great if we can:
1) Scan the IDs
2) Ask for estimated arrival time
3) Ask the reason of the stay
4) Add a check box for house rules
5) Sign registration forms digitally
6) Remove Mews from the web link address (Guests do not know mews...)
7) Configure the sending rules -
Robert Smit commented
During the online check-in, it would be great to verify the estimated arrival time of the guest. This way it would populate the time in the guest reservation and the front office and housekeeping team could prioritize check-in and room cleaning based upon the guest arrival time. In Mews, the Arrival can be sorted so that Guests arriving earlier do show up. However, currently all the times default to the properties arrivals time unless the guest provides this information during the reservation process. Why prepare and clean a room at 10 am if the guest has told us they would be arriving at 8pm. Makes the team more productive. Also, this could be used to upsell Early Arrival for a fee (product) if the properties has this feature.
Ryan Pangilinan commented
We cater to a lot of groups with send bill arrangements thus the guests are reluctant to give their credit card details during online check-in since they are not the ones paying for their stay. Removing the need to enter credit card details will certainly improve the % of guests checking in online.
Vendula Batkova commented
option to have a mandatory field in Distributor for Country of residence (same as we have now for phone).
Tomáš Antol commented
We had a feedback when the guest did not proceed with an online check-in, because he already paid for everything upfront through and didn't want to share his card details. This might be one of a kind thing, or it could lead to a situation when we would consider customizing the requirements. However having that option would be surely nice.
Matt commented
Being able to customize the online and kiosk check in process to include ID/Passport is ideal for us but not part of a legal obligation so currently its unavailable.
Daniel Vondráček commented
I couldn't find to add it on the reg.form, in Mews the possibility I can see, but not on the form. Am I right that it is still not possible to be visible for guests writting on the printed form?
Tom Keller commented
I would like to add the little text box mentioning 'no smoking', 'deposit', etc. to the online check in registration card as well, so it's very clear for the guest what they sign for. It's kind of a highlighted information box, apart from the T&C.