Filter Items for Type or/and subType
we are retrieving reservation data and are looking for the attached products.
Currently, we use /reservations/getAll and extend the items:true. Thin gets us Items with SubType (ProductOrder/SpaceOrder) or Type (ProductRevenue/ServiceRevenue). We are only interested in the Product-reated items.
to save resources we would appreciate either an extra endpoint /items/getAll (equivalent to /accountingItems/getAll ) with the possibility of filtering those Items after SubType (ProductOrder/SpaceOrder) or Type (ProductRevenue/ServiceRevenue) and reservationIDs or even better a filtering for Type/Subtype in the reservations/getAll endpoint.

Theresa Tritscher commented
We urgently need this feature - please make it available as soon as possible!
Lenka commented
We are thinking to change our PMS if not having this feature. Would be a pitty to leave MEWS
Sophia commented
It would be great if this feature would be available as soon as possible.
Teresa commented
Please as soon as possible :)
Monika Jerey commented
Urgently need this feature.