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n the Connectivity forum, we welcome your ideas and comments for helpful linkages between Mews and the rest of your technology stack. There's a category here for:

  • Each of our APIs - the booking engine, channel manager, connector. distribution and multi-property APIs
  • New integrations you'd like us to investigate
  • Optimizations to the marketplace
  • New webhook developments and updates
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171 results found

  1. For guest communication it would be helpful to have a field exposed to Connector API with the information whether or not a confirmation email has been sent for the reservation. Same is true for pre-Stay, On-Prem, etc.

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  2. It is helpful to have a separate webhook event for ServiceOrderCreated (Additionally to ServiceOrderUpdated) to discriminate new from changed reservations. Similar to Customer, where both events have a separate webhook.

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  3. We would like to propose more specialised Webhooks.

    Not every change to the reservation, for example, is needed for every use case. Instead, only changes to specific fields are interesting for (for example the status).

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  4. The Identity Documents APIs would become much more useful to us if we could attach file(s) to them as well. For example, photos/scanned copies of the original document.

    Separate permissions for adding vs viewing any attached files would also help safeguard them by restricting who is able to download them after being attached. This is because they wouldn't often need to be viewed again once uploaded, but do need to be available for some period of time (not indefinitely).

    Some property or enterprise-wide configuration to automatically archive and remove attachments or entire identity document records after a fixed period of…

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  5. Add "Voucher Redemption" as payment type for the payments/addExternal request. This allows external voucher tools (e.g. Incert) to specify the payment type when adding a voucher to a customer's bill as payment.

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  6. Given that I'm a hotel group, as the person responsible for application security, I'd like to be able to export the list of my users for each property with their associated roles and permissions via the API and a report,
    so that I can check that the right people have access to the right establishments with the right permissions and automate the process.

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  7. Extend the Customers/getAll API so that customers can be searched by their phone number. This enables telephony integration. When a customer calls in it will be possible to display their name on the phone display and/or in the PBX web interface.

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  8. It would be nice to grab event via WebSocket when there is a cashier transaction received, paid and when the shift is closing.

    Fiscal machines in Slovakia must record and send every cashier transaction to the government. Inspectors from the government can come on site and pull out data from the government cloud and check if the real cashier balance is the same as recorded in the cloud.

    With this cashier events together with the fiscal machine device commands events we can fulfill legal requirements in Slovakia while maintaining Mews as the main source of the information about cashier balances.

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  9. Hi,

    in our property you can enter the Park before you checkin in you room, you get allredy your electronic roomkeys but your room is not ready in the morning. For this case we need a additional state for the Reservation like "Pre-Checkin" wich we can set before every thing is ready, to see that you entered the park but you are not in your room yet.

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  10. In order to optimise data processing when we make calls to the /getall of reservationGroups, resourceCategories and taxaxions with the updateUTC, we should also have it in the responsee

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  11. It would be great to be able to query a reservation (including guests) by room number (and also by reservation status at the same time.

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  12. Within Mews mails sent out to guests, there is a “Chat with us” button that allows guests to initiate conversations with the hotel. These messages can currently only be viewed inside of MEWS itself and not within third-party integrations/services.

    By allowing other services or integrators to access these messages, integrators would be able to enhance their service offerings by providing a unified communication platform, improve operational efficiency by centralizing guest interactions.

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  13. Request to include the name value for OTA/Booking source, this'll help make it easier to identify across the board, since TravelAgencyId currently can vary for each customer.

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  14. In order to display Mealplan informations directly on metasearch, we would like to catch this information as a standard mealplan code (RO, BB, HB, FB, AI) directly from the Connector API.

    Clients will be invited to set a mealplan code next to their Rateplans or products if they want to disply this information on metasearch dynamically.

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  15. The GetAllReservations (ver 2023-06) Request does not support the ChannelNumber anymore (like it did in the deprecated version). For our Kiosk solution this is an essential, as guests from OTA's usually only know their Channel Confirmation Number.
    Could you please extend the GetAllReservations Request with ChannelNumber befor discontinuing the deprecated version?


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  16. If an object (for our case, it is Customers object) is global across all the properties then there should be an option to enable or disable for selected properties to receive those webhook events. Currently there is no option for it to enable/disable from user settings.

    Integrators do not need to receive same data event(s) across all the properties if single property data event is enough for their business cases.

    Also it will be good for less cpu cycles or usage of the server resources. Although it doesn't matter sometimes, depending on the context.


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  17. We propose enhancing the /api/connector/v1/reservations/add endpoint to allow reservations for multiple properties to be processed in a single request. This functionality would enable guests to seamlessly make reservations across multiple properties, enhancing user experience and operational efficiency.

    Currently, this is not possible because the endpoint requires ClientToken, AccessToken, and ServiceId at the root level, which ties the request to a single property. A possible solution could involve modifying the request body structure to include ClientToken, AccessToken, and ServiceId within each reservation. This would allow multiple property reservations to be handled in a single API call.

    An alternative could be adding…

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  18. Today,

    Any client can have taxes in Mews.
    - Some have taxes under the taxe section / (difference between net and gross value)
    - Some set taxes under packages (like City Tax)
    - Some set fees under packages (like Breakfast)

    The Connector API can provide a list a tax name and tax code. but these 2 parameters are manual, there is no way to dynamically know that a tax is a City Tax, a VAT, a service charge or something else. (Except by having a regular contact with the client to be notified about the category of each new tax,…

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  19. The old api
    contains information about ChannelManager and ChannelManagerGroupNumber for each reservation.

    This information is missing from the new api

    Please add this information to the new api.

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  20. -SSH private key authentication
    -Pgp file encyption

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