Routing Rules - improvements
The routing rules allows us to route the following options;
1 - Only reservations that are prepaid in online travel agency (OTA)
2 - All reservations with this company or travel agency attached
recommended improvement #1
we noticed that option 1 does not route prepaid reservations by VC.
As Bcom does indicate its a VC instead of a prepaid to TA. We cannot apply routing to this TA. As they do not have separate TA profiles for VC and CC as Expedia has, we currently cannot distinguish which ones should be routed.
Recommended improvement #2
As multiple company profiles might be used for several business types (extended stay, groups, hotel fe.), different routing may need to get applied.
Fe. an extended stay guest reservation by ING is on account, whereas a hotel guest need to pay himself. Therefore routing on a company profile does not give us enough granularity and we cannot apply the routing by company profile. We suggest to add an additional filter on the rate plan in the routing rule. So we can distinguish which ones can be routed fe. ING + EXTROAR will be routed company and ING + C05RO24CC will not be routed to company.
Recommendation #3
Ideally we can apply auto routing rules to paymasters, fe. for accounts that will have an invoice on a monthly basis.
Example; Company profile X, if rate X is attached, route to paymaster X.
Recommendation #4.
We should be able to see which routing rule applies on a reservation level, as it is auto applied and have the opportunity to easily amend it. If it should not get applied.
(al details have been provided earlier in MVP stages to ilse & Vincent)

Hey everyone!
I'm happy to announce that we're currently working on various improvements around Routing Rules 👏 We've significantly scaled the solution from continuous and monthly routing to route additional services through integrations to cover many use cases and we're now in closed beta.
If you're interested in finding more or join the beta testing to share your feedback, please, reply to the email.
Hello everybody! I created this community post below where you can find more information about the beta testing program.
Jean-Philipp SPIESS commented
Hello! Currently only items are routed but not the payment. For Payments done automatically with a virtual credit card it would be useful in certain situations (expedia collect reservations for example) to route the automatic payment via virtual card also to the corresponding company/travelagent bill..
Igor Kost commented
Hi Daniel, we are not bale to reply to the email notification as it is a "noreply" email. Are you able to share the post from the Community page?
Leif Penning commented
It would be the best, if we could create routing rules per reservation, otherwise we are too inflexible. Some companies pay for guests but not for employees for example.
There are also private groups who are going to pay some products together, etc.. -
Rebecca McElroy commented
Completely agree with these, need to be able to set routing rules by rate code ( not just company/TA), Another thing that would be nice is if the routing rules applied to any charges on the bill regardless of when they were posted. Currently, they only split the initial charges but things added later we have to manually move.
Guy van Heuzen commented
When Routing to Company/TA is used, to transfer certain products to the Company/TA bill, when done for a group with more then 1 room, it will create 1+X bills with the Company/TA. When a rule applies for a group of more then 1 room, it should only create 1 bill with the routing Company/TA, otherwise you have to merge all the individual bills to 1 Bill for the company. When Having a lot of bills to the Company/TA it's very confusing and tricky to do so.
Chris Stuck commented
Currently you need to set an individual routing rule per company/ travel agency. Please add the option to add a rule to bulk/all companies on the system instead of having to add one by one. The aim on this occasion is to have the company that is assigned to the guest profile reflect on the final bill.
katja commented
To be able to route product/additional services, items etc.
It would be great if you had a mutilple choice of how you wish to setup the routing rule for a specific customer. -
Tommie van der Heijden commented
It would be great to add routing rules to the reservation and not necissary apply them. The routing rule should also be shown on the confirmation so the guest can check if we have apply the correct payment instructions. such as;
"Logies, Breakfast and City tax will be billed tot the company, other charges are for the guest his own account"
This way the company booker can check the confirmation and the payment instruction. -
Andreas Westenbrink commented
Automatic routing to a paymaster will solve many issues. Please have a look at this Mews!
Sam commented
If routing rules are on a reservation, not split each room onto a different bill. If a travel agency has created a reservation with multiple rooms we will send one invoice but currently the routing rules will split each room onto their own bill meaning work to move all rooms onto one bill.
Sofía Llorente commented
It would be great to assign items automatically to a paymaster
Simone Steins commented
could we please move the routing rules tab to somewhere more "logical" as it is often impossible to find.
it should be either under profiles (as that is where you go to set up a company or travel agent), or be part of the set up of a company / travel agent.
alternatively it should be under finance and showing when opening the finance tab from the burger menu.
currently it takes about 5 minutes to find it and often by accident as i still don't know where it is actually located! -
Tom Keller commented
To add up to Sharon, if you allow me Sharon :)
We wait to start a 100% online check in/out or check in/out via kiosk until a full routing-option is available. And routing should always be live and running, not only when the reservation is created. What we miss in certain examples:
- Expedia prepaid reservation, via virtual card: nights have to be automatically charged to virtual card in one bill (or window), city tax has to be charged to guest's card in a different bill. How does Mews know what card to charge for what bill/window? And which bill is per default viewable for the guest (in kiosk for example)?
- same goes for corporate and/or group bookings. Easy example is that the company pays for nights and city tax (and employer doesn't want employee to see which rate they contracted with hotel), but employee pays for own incidentals. So a personal credit card that should be charged, but also items that need to be moved to an invoice (paymaster account)
- in case of prepayment with virtual card can be charged for nights and 7% city tax, but not for €3 pppn because that's only paid upon arrival by guest personally (Mews cannot automatically charge city tax now...). Would be perfect if PMS could automatically split and have the right card charged for the right amount
Smaller error margin and automation are most important reasons for us to have and ask for this complete routing option, next to the fact for it to be a basic feature for self check in and check out.