An optional booking to be confirmed only with a credit card
At the moment when an optional reservation is made for a guest manually, the guest will receive an email from MEWS and they can just click on Confirm or Cancel.
When they Click on Confirm the optional reservation is immediately confirmed in MEWS but no credit card details are requested to guarantee the reservation.
We want the system to only give the guest the possibility to Confirm the reservation once they have inserted their credit card details first.
Thank you !

NaN commented
Wanneer een gast zijn/haar boeking bevestigd via de knop "Bevestiging" via de mail met de optionele boeking wordt er niet naar CC / aanbetaling gevraagd.
Dit zou wel wenselijk zijn zodat je altijd CC / aanbetaling in MEWS hebt staan en je niet voor verassingen komt te staan wanneer je je aankomsten checkt en er niets in het profiel staat. -
Mathieu PUYDENUS commented
It's incredibly clear and urgent!
This needs to be a top priority: allowing an option to be validated without an associated payment method is illogical. A big thanks to the technical teams for making this a priority please as this will save us from having to follow up with guests to secure a payment guarantee... -
Incroyable Xavier commented
So obvious, so urgent!
This should be a functional priority: being able to validate an option without an associated means of payment is nonsense.
Thank you to the technical teams for putting this at the top of the pile...
This will avoid having to chase after guests to get a payment guarantee. -
Nicolas LEROY commented
When this integration will do ? It is very important. Thx
Vivienne commented
Hello! I agree and support the request for mandatory creditcard-details when a guest confirms an offer.
a.klotz commented
I agree this is also super important to us and I don't understand why Mews is not following the same UX as when client is booking through Mews engine.
Ethan R commented
Am I crazy to think the current SOP for optional reservations in MEWS does not make sense?
FD: Manually create Optional Reservation
MEWS: Optional Reservation Email sent
GUEST: clicks on email and then “Confirms”
MEWS: Reservation Confirmed
MEWS: “Reservation Confirmation” automatically sent to guest which contains link to “Online check-in”
FD: Requests Guest to check-in online (even though stay date could be months in advance) so that credit card details are taken
GUEST: Checks in Online (hopefully!) and enters CC info
FD: We can charge the reservation
That Step 6 winds up being very confusing and frustrating for guests. As they don’t understand why their reservation is not confirmed after they get a confirmation email.
Isn’t it the card information that confirms the reservation?
Isn’t a reservation without payment information is fundamentally not confirmed? -
Ethan R commented
Am I crazy to think the current SOP for optional reservations in MEWS does not make sense?
FD: Manually create Optional Reservation
MEWS: Optional Reservation Email sent
GUEST: clicks on email and then “Confirms”
MEWS: Reservation Confirmed
MEWS: “Reservation Confirmation” automatically sent to guest which contains link to “Online check-in”
FD: Requests Guest to check-in online (even though stay date could be months in advance) so that credit card details are taken
GUEST: Checks in Online (hopefully!) and enters CC info
FD: We can charge the reservation
That Step 6 winds up being very confusing and frustrating for guests. As they don’t understand why their reservation is not confirmed after they get a confirmation email.
Isn’t it the card information that confirms the reservation?
Isn’t a reservation without payment information is fundamentally not confirmed? -
Bernardo Verweij commented
This would make so much sense. Please work on this.
Matthias Hautekiet commented
Please start developing this feature soon. Now we cannot use the 'option' function as it should because guests can confirm the option without payment!
Esteni Pitout commented
We cannot have Guests confirm their own bookings, we tracking false revenue on the books as the booking is NOT confirmed without payment - Please deactivate this function.
Vivian commented
Vivian commented
Fully agree! Confirmation should be according to the rule of the corresponding rate group; either payment or credit card guarantee.
Magali commented
t the moment when an optional reservation is made for a guest manually, the guest will receive an email from MEWS and they can just click on Confirm or Cancel.
When they Click on Confirm the optional reservation is immediately confirmed in MEWS but no paiement is required to confirm reservation
We want the system to only give the guest the possibility to Confirm the reservation once tthe payment is made
Kato commented
Don't get it neither! Daily guests confirm their reservation this way... Please take care of this item with prior. thx!
Betty Devos commented
I I fully agree with this. Don't even understand why this is not the norm! Guests are receiving a confirmation while we do not want it to be confirmed at all without any kind of guarantee.