Modify or cancel bookings online
Allow guest to modify or cancel the booking in Guest portal

Matthias Hautekiet commented
@mews: any idea when this will be considered / implemented?
Rosta commented
Enable guests to modify and cancel booking in online check-in if it's outside the cancellation period. This would simplify and automate the process for hoteliers where guests need to call/email to make any changes.
giorgi.khachidze commented
Critical for a seamless guest digital journey
Emma Kirkland commented
I know a guest can use guest portal to cancel or send an email but it there was a cancel or amend link in the confirmation email it would be awesome.
Emilie Arabyan commented
This is a basic in an online booking process.
Martinus Helland commented
Crucial for a fully digital and seamless guest journey. Please prioritize.
Wilhelm Hartwig commented
To allow our guests to manage their own booking online to either modify or cancel, is crucial. Current option is to contact the hotel directly. This is both time consuming and labor intensive.
joshua.zuend commented
It must be possible for guests to modify their booking whitout any trouble.
Marcel Neuhaus commented
very important
roger.erkens commented
This is absolutely basic in an online booking process.
Dominik Lichtenhahn commented
Very important feature
Reservations - The Hughenden commented
For a system as smart as MEWS this is a feature that should have been developed years ago.
Robert Smit commented
Very important to allow a guest to manage their own booking online to either modify or cancel using the Guest Portal. Current option is to contact the hotel direct which is not saving time or labor to process.
Incroyable Xavier commented
Külli Saar commented
Guests should have possibility to change or cancel their reservation(s) online a swell, unless there are any restrictions in the booking conditions. At the moment this part of the reservation is missing.
Jean-Marc Giunti commented
The guest must be able to cancel its own reservation or edit the stay dates !!!!!!
Tarik commented
The guest must be able to cancel its own reservation or edit the stay dates.
Anne-Mette Bendix commented
It would be very helpful if our guests are able to amend or cancel their reservations through Navigator. We are trying to generate bookings directly to the hotels online booking engine, hence we need to be just as agile and flexible as e.g. and other OTA´s. Thx.
Erik Kei commented
if guests could cancel their reservation through Navigator, that would be very helpful.