111 results found
Rename Invoice Positions
A function for renaming & summarizing individual items in the invoice as an example: The item “soup” comes from the Hypersoft POS system and I would like to call this "pumpkin soup".
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Alle anwesenden Mitarbeitenden müssen Ihre Schicht anmelden und abmelden können. Nicht nur eine Person. Anschliessend muss Umsatzquelle ausgewählt werden können und diese dann auch fix bestehen bleiben. (Dies bei verschiedenen Restaurants im Haus)
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Doppelter Check Zimmernummer
Bei Zimmerbuchung bevor der Gast unterschreiben muss, muss er noch einmal die Zimmernummer zur eingeben= doppelte Kontrolle.
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Il serait impératif de mettre en place le système de réclame directement sur le produit. A l'heure actuelle il est nécessaire de créer un Bundle avec un produit pour lui attribuer une réclame par défaut. Pouvez vous mettre en place le système de réclame directement sur les produits, cela éviterait un bon nombre d'erreur et de doublons lors d'un service. Cela permet aussi de communiquer directement la bonne information à la cuisine.
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Synchronisation et améliorations
Bonjour, serait il possible de faire en sorte que lorsque une modification est réalisée sur le back office celle ci se synchronise automatiquement sur le POS. Il serait aussi super de pouvoir gérer les interfaces et le positionnement des articles directement via le back office pour que cela se mette en application sur le POS
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Schichtverwaltung nur für Administratoren und Manager
Wir hätten gerne eine Einstellung, dass wir bestimmten Personengruppen (Administratoren & Manager) den Zugang zur Schichtverwaltung geben können und den Kassierern nicht. Wir möchten nicht, dass Kassierer die Tagesumsätze aller Schichten sehen können und ebenfalls nicht, dass sie genau sehen können, was in der aktuellen Schicht für ein Umsatz generiert wurde.
Shift Management only visible for admins and managers. We don´t want cashiers to see the shifts.
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Sequence of the created table areas
It would be nice if you could determine the order of the table areas yourself.
The programming sequence is permanently defined here.1 vote -
Viva Wallet
To whom it may concern;
We have been using Agent Cash / Bizzon POS Software for many, many years now. I realize comparatively speaking Croatia is an extremely small market compared to other countries. And your company is in essence pulling out of the Croatian market due to the inability to accept credit cards. But I think that your are pulling out of a possible market that you could conceivably dominate. That market is small business owners and trade entities. Croatia severely lacks good options for the aforementioned markets. Since we have been forced to explore other point of sale…
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POS - Ideal Payment Method
Amrath Hotels asked for support of Ideal payments both on terminals and online payments (POS Digital Ordering). Ideal has wide adoption in Netherlands, and it is expected to be required for any subsequent prospect.
1 voteHello from the Mews product team. Thank you for your suggestion, we have updated your request and set it as one to be upvoted by the Mews Community. Remember you can share a link to your request so that your colleagues can also upvote your suggestion.
Print the name of the point of sales on the shift management report
Why is the name of the point of sales not appearing on the shift management report? When you create a shift management report, you can choose to create a report for the current point of sale, or for all points of sale. If you select the current point of sale, the name of the point of sale should appear on the printed report. Otherwise it will be very difficult to identify to which point of sale the printed ticket belongs.
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Voucher - Note
Hi Siva,
Please see below images as previously discussed.
When we process a discount a section comes up asking for a description e.g. member discount.
Could you please request Bizzon to add this same option when we try to process a Crazy Golf Voucher, GolfNow, Stay and Play. It will make it much more user friendly.
This same option would be extremely beneficial as well when finalising a transaction for and vouchers or member credit account so we can add the voucher number in at end of transaction.
Hope this make sense, if not please see me direct and I…1 vote -
Only bundle name on order
I made bundles for mix drink like Gin and Tonic. For administration purpose it is important to make a difference in VAT. But when you print te order it says :
1x Jinzu Gin- G&T Jinzu
1x FT Indian tonic- G&T JinzuAnd that is confusing staff. It should say G&T Jinzu. So only the name of the bundle. Or give a choice, like you can do for the invoice, put product on the order or not.
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Able to define layouts for Bills and orders
The layouts of the bills and orders only gives you the option to add a log. You should be able to efine the layout beter, eg Define header and what you see, define footer, etc
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Ich benötige auf allen Inforechnungen Felder zum ausfüllen
Unter der Zeile Ausführender Mitarbeiter auf unseren Inforechnungen benötige ich ein Feld zum Ausfüllen für:
- Zimmernummer
- Trinkgeld
- Name
- Unterschrift1 vote -
create a landing page with a voucher for a specific day
Would desire the possibility to create a voucher that links to a specific day in bookingengine.
Example: Christmas package to be linked directly to arrival 24/12
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Automatic Opening and closing of the digital ordering depending on pre-set time slots
To have available the digital ordering automatically open or close based on the outlet's schedule
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Enable mandatory field in Bizzon Backend
It would be great to add "mandatory fields" in Bizzon Backend. Yet you can create an item without selecting a category. This causes errors as a category is needed to send it to the financial / ERP System
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Digital Ordering : Push notification
Today, customers are not notified by a push alert when their order is ready. In addition to the written message on the DO (Delivery Order) interface, it would be great to have the option of sending a push notification to the customer's mobile device.
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MAKE BIZZON POS chargeable on Guest or Company registred in MEWS, even if Guest or Cie are not C/I
When an Company comes to our restaurant just for lunch and dinner, and they want to have bill send to Cie for payment. You HAVE to create an GUEST account making it PAYMASTER.
Then in PMS, you need to connect that paymaster to the Cie, to be able to send the bill.
Have you got a easiest way to do, or more complicated ? :)1 vote -
take pre-authorisations on POS app
be able to take a pre-authorisation when oppening a tab
1 vote
- Don't see your idea?