Group Block Agreement
To expand on the new Group Blocks feature, I would love a simple Group Block Agreement form/report that summarizes the number of rooms blocked, the dates associated with the rooms and the nightly (pre-tax) rooms rate.
It would have a customizable "terms" section where we can note cancelation policies, block release date etc and have a signature page for the client to sign.
Right now we have to generate this outside of Mews, which creates additional work. Happy to send you a sample of what we are looking for!
Thanks for listening!

Hello Stacy,
Thank you very much for sharing your feedback with us. If you are able to share an example, that would be very helpful for us to understand the information you envision being added to a block.
Which types of groups would you typically add "terms' for? For example corporates or leisure.
lunaslaets commented
Good idea! It would certainly give a better overview.
isabelleolivier1 commented
This would indeed be a good idea. Very time saving and more efficient to work with.
Milou Steintjes commented
This would be a great idea. I was thinking myself to add the option to send the quotation or confirmation emails also from availability blocks directly (and not only when they are confirmed and rooms are booked).
However the above idea is very interesting and would give hotels the option to personalise the offer.
I think this form is essential to use the availability blocks for groups.
stacy commented
I would love to send over an example. Just emailed it over.
Stacy Harris