Show more info on restrictions to customer
Show "This period of stay requires a minimum of X nights" when minimum number of nights is required to book.
Or even better: show all room types that would be available if booking more nights.
INSTEAD of : No availability at all. This idea is basically an extension to:

Review of Mews Search starting and in exploration phase
Steve commented
Really hoping this can be implemented - at least let us customize the notice that is displayed, so that we can clarify for guests what type of restrictions may have resulted in 'no availability'.
adrien.gabon commented
Very very important!!!
Domitille Quennec commented
Do you have any update on this restriction ? I really need this to go on as I loose a lot of bookings and customers.
Marion Hawkins commented
May is now here and there is no implementation of this request of many hotels. FOUR years have passed since this was originally requested!
Marion Hawkins commented
Any update on adding restriction info? This is really a simple solution of allowing a custom message to be inserted instead of the generic 'We're very sorry, there is no availability for the dates you selected.' Our hotel has a two night minimum on weekdays and three night on weekends. If we used the Mews booking engine our property would lose bookings due to this issue. We have used the Synxis booking engine and also Windsurfer booking engine to show restrictions (in a calendar) as well as collect guest address info at checkout. The Mews booking engine would be great to use if it wasn't partially developed (would also save us money). This request has been posted for over two years! Why does your development team ignore major issues and only work on irrelevant items?
Viktor Puetzer commented
It's incredible this is missing. If there is a minimum stay on a date, instead of proposing to extend the stay, the system proposes alternatives at -1 week, +1week, etc.
Justine Pyott commented
UP! Can't believe this basic function is not on yet. We just started with MEWS and this is a huge disappointment. Loosing customers by the hour.
Matt Bowry commented
This is absolutely a must for my hotel. We have two night minimums every weekend during the summer. It is not acceptable to show simply "not available" without a reason why when someone attempts to book a single night.
Bianca McKell commented
This would help alleviate the distress guests experience because the Mews booking engine does not have a calendar view which shows availability. If at least they might understand the length of stay restrictions that are causing them to find only unavailable dates, it would be helpful and maybe a calendar view would not be such a pressing issue.
Kai Stückmann commented
Hey, this is really a shame to MEWS. All is working so well but the restrictions are really missing in Distributor!!! Fine would also be a text field or overlay to tell the website visitors that restrictions may apply. Many other systems Dabre, DIRS21, hoteliers, HNS, ... of a much better booking engine. We really need a big update here in MEWS because the booking process itsself is really fine!!! THANKS MEWSler!!!
Kai Stückmann commented
Hey, please MEWS, make this happen.
Please let us know, if you will do, otherwise maybe a few customers can make a project for building a website module for integration into their website showing these thins in a dynamic calender including restrictions, prices, availability and linking to the MEWS distributor booking page after clicking. -
Amanda Hansen commented
This is an important feature to adjust. Many guests will see no availability and move on to looking for another property. I am sure this has lead to countless abandoned bookings for properties.
support commented
Currently, if we set a restriction of 3 days (weekend) and guests search for a stay of 2 days the system offers the guest the next weekend where there is no restriction instead of offering/showing the restriction.
So, show the guest the restriction so they can change their stay to 3 days to book at our property. -
Jill De Groote commented
Must have!
Marion Hawkins commented
Any update on this request? We have to use the Synxis booking engine in order to show restrictions (i.e. 2 night minimum). Would like to use the Mews Distributor instead. The restriction could be easily displayed if the dates do not meet the requirement.
Marion Hawkins commented
What is the status of this request? This is a previous request and is extremely important for our hotel to use Distributor
Benjamin NIEDERBERGER commented
If you have set certain restrictions (MLOS / CTA / CTD / ...) in Mews, it would be nice if the guest can see them in the Distributor. Right now the guest only gets a feedback of no availabilities, which is incorrect in most of the times.
If the guest could see active restrictions in the calender it would result in not loosing business by showing no availabilty. -
Henning David-Friedemann commented
This is must have!
Robert d. R. commented
This can be a big improvement. The guest should immediately receive information about how they can actually book a room instead of 'turning them off' with just simply saying there is no availability.
Mews is updating their Engine with more and more improvements lately so i hope this feature will also come available soon.
Mario Biermann commented
Make arrival / departure days visible in calender of the distributor. We only allow guests to arrive Thursdays and Sundays, but it is not visible for the guest. We built a widget for it but it would be nice to have this option available via MEWS.