The order of the rates in the reservation screen cannot be customized/changed.
The order of the rates in the reservation screen cannot be customized/ changed.
The ordering in the rate settings refers to the order within the Rate Group and the way these are displayed on Distributor, but they don't refer to the way these are displayed on the reservation screen.
The ordering in the rate settings should not only refer to the order within the Rate Group and the way these are displayed on Distributor, but they should refer to the way these are displayed on the reservation screen as well.

Emanuele FEDELE commented
save timing feature if developped. would speed up work at reservation dept ny displayng first the rates that are used more frequently.
Bria Morgan commented
It would be great if when making a new reservation, rates showed according to the restriction applied. E.g. when making a reservation for the weekend, our weekend rate automatically applies instead of showing default cheaper weekday rate. This could potentially lead to underquoting guests.
Sarah commented
For efficiency and speed it would be great to be able to to sort the rates in the reservation screen identically as in the list of rate plans. This would definitely make our life easier as we could place the most-used rate first, rather than the cheapest.
Niklas Wyckoff-Mähler commented
it's 2022 and you still haven't figured this out yet. why the cheapest? why can't we choose? why must it be difficult to get a bit of QOL?