Fill in an transaction date for card payment by terminal or external payments
There is no space to register the date of an card payment by terminal or an external payment, like a wire transfer. This is needed to keep the accounting reports correct, when a wire transfer is registed not on the same day.

accounts commented
I have the same problem. I only work part time and am the only finance person in our hotel so posting payments is my responsibility. If payment arrives on my day off the date is then wrong when I am back at work and enter the external payments. If payment arrive on a Thursday and I'm in until the following Tuesday, the date is MEWS will be 5 days later than it appears in the bank. We should have the option of selecting a posting date when entering the payment.
Simone Steins commented
we put the date of payment with the invoice number in the identifier line, that way you can go back to the payment tab and see exactly what was paid when.
Hotel Oderberger Tini Diekmann commented
we would really need and appreciate the possibility to be able to choose a date for an external payment. Right now, the date when you put it in mews is chosen, but we offen have bank transfers during the weekend that can only be put in mews on monday. It is very important for our accounting though to have the day of receiving the money in mews, not the day of recording in mews.
Linda Ohlson commented
Totally agreed, please add as soon as possible. Now there is a lot of extra work to our accountant to get reports right.
Louise Bown commented
Agree, with BACS payments some come later in the day and are not know about until the statements are downloaded the following day. In order to reconcile the bank accounts we need the ability to post the payment for the day the funds were received.
Heiko Siebert commented
Correct in particular external payments through Wire transfer over month end should be registered in the PMS in the same mointh as on the bank account. This would reduce the reconciliation required tio balance Bank statement vs PMS payment type.