Search for overbookings
Easier search of the overbookings.

Hey Mewsers,
Good News! It is my pleasure to announce we have started a Beta of an improvement to our search bar that will allow users, among many things, to easily find the unassigned reservations that are causing the infamous red line on the timeline!
If this is a common need, you can even save this search as a favorite (with the star icon on the search bar) and avoid having to type it!
If you would like to take part of the Beta, please join the conversation via the Community post here.
Ettore Zotarelli
Senior Product Manager - AI & guest Communications
Rafael Pereira commented
To many steps to do to find one overbooking in time line. I believe needs to be much faster.
Franziska Gartmann commented
This is another idea, that waits for 3 1/2 years now and nothing happend, although there have been 429 votes!!!!!!
Any feedback??? -
Hotel Fiescherblick commented
Yes please!
Maurits Bots commented
Hi Aldair, this seems a quick win with loads of votes - any update you could share?
Javi Luppi commented
It woul be really nice, if we can track the DATE of the overbooking on the left side of the room description (pink line) on the time line dashboard.
Claas Normann Mäder commented
Looking forward to get this in place.
Linda Ohlson commented
What is the update on this one, this seems to most voted feature. Overall it would also very handy to create reservations directly from the timeline. It would save a lot of time, not needing to find empty and and suitable space again.
Manon Van Megen commented
Ooohh yes please! A complete waste of my time indeed :)
Anonymous commented
I agree. Sometimes you can be scrolling two the right forever!
Linda Ohlson commented
Please show the red line only when overbooking is covering the date range on the desktop. Our front desk likes to use the timeline to get the best overview of current day for check ins/outs but now the redlines are disturbing it badly.
Linda Ohlson commented
Totally agreed, please find an alternative solution to handle overbookings. As it's not very practical when the red line is visible all the time even though the overbooking is a one year ahead.
Ein einfacher Weg wär es eine Report zu erstellen mit Reservierungen ohne zugeordnete Zimmernummern.
An easy way would be to create a report with reservations without assigned room numbers.
Liset Bom commented
Ooohh yes please! A complete waste of my time indeed :)
Hans Ning commented
In addition, it would be nice to not have to refresh the page completely to remove the red line.
D G commented
we should have an option to click on the red line and see straight away where you have the overbooking. Sometimes the overbooking is two years later and you waste your time following the red line
Alethea Dunn commented
It will be a good feature if it was possible to just click on the red line in timeline and it would take you to the unallocated/overbooked reservation :)