Settings and activity
11 results found
136 votes
Toni Garau supported this idea ·
589 votes
Toni Garau supported this idea ·
380 votes
Toni Garau supported this idea ·
507 votes
Hey Mewsers,
Good News! It is my pleasure to announce we have started a Beta of an improvement to our search bar that will allow users, among many things, to easily find the unassigned reservations that are causing the infamous red line on the timeline!
If this is a common need, you can even save this search as a favorite (with the star icon on the search bar) and avoid having to type it!
If you would like to take part of the Beta, please join the conversation via the Community post here.
Ettore Zotarelli
Senior Product Manager - AI & guest Communications
Toni Garau supported this idea ·
129 votes
Review of Mews Search starting and in exploration phase
Toni Garau supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment -
66 votes
Hello all,
This status update is part of our ongoing work to simplify and streamline how our UserVoice feedback forum operates. We are reducing the number of statuses to two (Idea to Upvote + Released) to help manage expectations about where each idea stands and to minimize the number of status updates required from our product teams. Our product team reviews everything you share, and we might reach out for more info if we need it.
Thanks for your patience as we work to bring your ideas to life! You can learn more about the changes coming to UserVoice from this post in the Mews Community.
Toni Garau supported this idea ·
149 votes
Hello all,
This status update is part of our ongoing work to simplify and streamline how our UserVoice feedback forum operates. We are reducing the number of statuses to two (Idea to Upvote + Released) to help manage expectations about where each idea stands and to minimize the number of status updates required from our product teams. Our product team reviews everything you share, and we might reach out for more info if we need it.
Thanks for your patience as we work to bring your ideas to life! You can learn more about the changes coming to UserVoice from this post in the Mews Community.
Toni Garau supported this idea ·
432 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Toni Garau commented
It is necessary to be able to process a booking, where the guest stays for example the first night in on room type, and the second night changes to a different room type for the rest of the stay.
I have worked at a small boutique hotel, and in high seasson, it was totally normal to offer a guest a stay with scheduled room change. Or a guest wants to stay in the Suite which is occupied the first night by another guest, so they accept another room category for the first night.
To sum up, we need to be able to assign spaces per dates in the same reservation (not being forced to create different reservations)
Example: Check in 01.01.2021 - check out 05.01.2021
Room #20 from 01.01.2021 until 02.01.2021
Room #56 from 02.01.2021 until 05.01.2021With rates would not be a problem, as mews allows us to introduce different rates per day
Toni Garau supported this idea ·
93 votes
Hello from the Mews product team,
Thank you for your suggestion, we have updated your request and set it as one to be upvoted by the Mews Community.
Toni Garau supported this idea ·
33 votes
Toni Garau supported this idea ·
8 votes
Hello all,
This status update is part of our ongoing work to simplify and streamline how our UserVoice feedback forum operates. We are reducing the number of statuses to two (Idea to Upvote + Released) to help manage expectations about where each idea stands and to minimize the number of status updates required from our product teams. Our product team reviews everything you share, and we might reach out for more info if we need it.
Thanks for your patience as we work to bring your ideas to life! You can learn more about the changes coming to UserVoice from this post in the Mews Community.
An error occurred while saving the comment Toni Garau commented
En España es de obligado cumplimiento enviar las estadísticas de ocupación al INE. Siempre hay una encuesta mensual y otra de una semana en concreto del mes. Se pide entradas y pernoctaciones por nacionalidad (los españoles desglosados por comunidad autónoma). También el precio medio neto sin desayuno por tipo de agencia.
Son formatos estandar. Mews debería permitir obtener toda la información apretando un botón, y no hay manera posibleToni Garau supported this idea ·
We use Proforma invoices to get pre-paid by companies and groups. When they pay per bank transfer they specify the Proforma number, but surprise! we are not able to find the proforma the payment is linked to. Please enable Mews to store Proforma Invoices !!!!!