Websocket message to include Enterprise Id
Currently when you receive a websocket message to say, for example, there's a new reservation, the message doesn't say which Enterprise it is from. If you try and create websocket connections to multiple Enterprises, you can end up with them all coming in on the same channel and there's no way to know which one is which. Without this, it is not possible to query the API with the correct access token to get further information about the reservation.

Hello all,
This status update is part of our ongoing work to simplify and streamline how our UserVoice feedback forum operates. We are reducing the number of statuses to two (Idea to Upvote + Released) to help manage expectations about where each idea stands and to minimize the number of status updates required from our product teams. Our product team reviews everything you share, and we might reach out for more info if we need it.
Thanks for your patience as we work to bring your ideas to life! You can learn more about the changes coming to UserVoice from this post in the Mews Community.
Anna Boersma commented
Irene Vuur Bruin commented
Yes Please
Mariëtte Winters commented
Heel graag!
Rolf Jan Van Zeyl commented
yes please!
Lotte Tielemans commented
Edo Garretsen commented
Marit Baars commented
yes please!
Tebbo Groeneweg commented
Maurits Bots commented
yes please!
Eric Vollmer commented
All for!
In our chain we are facing the same problem. The case is as follows: We are using a CRM tooling (SuperOffice) separately from MEWS, but we arranged by means of using ZAPS from Zapier that every time we insert a company profile in MEWS the data are added into our CRM tooling. Within our organisation we work with several different SALES representatives, who are responsible for a certain hotel or some of more than one hotels (region responsibility) At this stage, because we only have 1 (one) identification we really need to have a specific identification per enterprise (hotel) so everybody knows in which enterprise a corresponding company profile was added in MEWS.
So please immediately develop this !!!