Mews Kiosk Reporting
We need to be able to do a proper reporting on the Kiosk Check In, including following categories:
Check in from Kiosk (Staff Mode)
Check ins from Kiosk (Guest Mode)
Check ins via Mews Commander
Moreover, we need to be able to pull the data via the API regarding if a reservation did online check-in, check-out, did they use the Kiosk or did a staff member check them in.
This is cruciel to be able to measure the success of the kiosk and to do further improvements.
Lukas commented
Make the data the Mews Kiosk collects available via Excel, API, or Analytics.
It is crucial to know how many guests and who used the Mews Kiosk and how many guests and who used the standard check-in.As this data is available in the business review, an Excel Export or access via API should be a very quick fix from your end.
Lukas commented
Make the data the Mews Kiosk collects available via Excel, API, or Analytics.
It is crucial to know how many guests and who used the Mews Kiosk and how many guests and who used the standard check-in.As this data is available in the business review, an Excel Export or access via API should be a very quick fix from your end.
Clara MARCAUD commented
Y’a-t-il un rapport dans Mews qui nous permet de connaître sur une journée combien de check in et check out sont fait via les tablettes VS le nombre de check in et check out totale?