Disable before start reminder email
Some guests have read the before start, but decide to do the online check-in later. We are getting complaints that the reminder is experienced as "spam".
It would be preferable to have the option to only send the before start e-mail, but disable the before start reminder.

Hello from the Mews product team. Thank you for your suggestion, we have updated your request and set it as one to be upvoted by the Mews Community. Remember you can share a link to your request so that your colleagues can also upvote your suggestion.
Knigge, Sanne commented
1 invitation for online check in is OK, we do not feel the need to remind guests a 2nd time. It would be great if we could disable the Before Start Reminder separately from the Before Start.
NaN commented
Great input Alf Martin, we really need this option.
Alf Martin Hammerstad commented
I want to have the ability to decide if Mews are to send the reminder email. Example is the Before Start email, I want to decide if I'm going to send the before start reminder or not.
Often the before start reminder crashes with other CRM's that are communicating towards the guests on the arrival day.
As many others have mentioned, would be great to decide the timing as well. -
c.pille commented
A lot of guests complaining about the "double email"
Matthias Hautekiet commented
We're also having a lot of complaints about this. Please consider this change urgently so only the before start is sent!