Faster passport scanning FASTER check-in!
Recently Mews released the "MewsPassportScan" the feature is great! but we feel like its incomplete, if you have used it before, you will agree.
The feature allows you to scan the guests passport with the webcam of the computer, this then populates the passport fields with one click making the process way smoother, HOWEVER!!!!
If you have more than one attendant on a booking this feature flaws massively, as you have to create individual user profiles for the additional guests ONE BY ONE!
This means that from 1 click one guest, it turns in to 8 clicks per guest profile. compared to using the PassportScan integration and that bulky old scanner it's much slower, meaning that if you have a queue to the door and over 100 check ins waiting, your time is compromised.
What we want the feature to do is when we go to scan the passport for the booking, Mews automatically picks up the number of attendants and creates the additional user profiles. all we have to do is snap the photo from the webcam and click okay. Something along the lines of:
When you click on passport scan a prompt will appear saying, you have 4 attendants to this booking please gather all passports and scan one by one
when you click ok it will say scan passport 1, every time you snap it will go to scan passport 2 and so on.
Not only this but if you have a massive queue you can use a tablet and start adding the passports to the bookings before they get to reception to make payment and other check in steps, thus also reducing the check in time dramatically!
This could potentially cut check in processes by half!
UPVOTE! this feature can benefit you and your staff to a much more smoother and faster check in process. and you know what they say, the faster the check in the HAPPIER the customer!
Thanks! and happy Mewsing

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