Hotel logo at the Guest portal
some guests don't trust the Navigator, if there is a logo in the Navigation its looks more official

Hello from the Mews product team. We are pleased to let you know that your hotel logo now appears in the Guest Portal.
[Deleted User] commented
Providing the minimum ability to upload and display the hotel logo would be more comforting to the guest using the guest journey that this is not spam or spoofing site and look more professional to the clients guests.
Rutger Leeuwenkuijl commented
In this time with continuous payment scams, (many) guest do not trust the current Navigator environment. Guest book at our own website (, but receive a automatic mail (which template and text can not be adjusted), which leads them to This url domain is a red flag for many guests, they have never heard of 'Mews' and surely never seen '.ly'.
This environment for something as important as Payments needs to look trustworthy. Logo, background, url, etc. Happy to share thought and feedback of guests.
Linda Ohlson commented
Please allow to personalize the Navigator page. It would indeed look more professional with company logo and more appropriate background picture.