Fast forward to overbooked reservation in timeline
Fast forward to overbooked reservation in timeline
it would be a nice feature, if we had the function to klick on the red bar (when overbooked in a category) in the timeline to fast forward directly to the (next) overbooked reservation.
Currently we have to do it like that:
To quickly find an overbooked category, follow these steps:
1. Go to the Reservation report from the dashboard or Main Menu > Reservations > Reservation Report.
2. Use the following filters: Mode: Detailed, Filter: Arrival, Start: Today’s Date, End: As far into the future as you wish to go, Status: Confirmed, Group By: Space, Requested Category: Select the category the overbooking applies to or leave it blank to see all overbookings.
3. Click View Report.
4. Check the Unassigned section at the top of the report to see the reservations that haven't been assigned to a space.

Rebecca McElroy commented
The easiest way we've found for this issue is to run a reservations report, and group by space. This will lump all "unassigned" rooms together and you can find them that way.
NaN commented
Great idea - would love to see this implemented
douwe.bakker commented
Critical, would be even better when an overbooking room has a different line &colour as an unassigned room (when there is still availability)
Marios Panoutsos (Art Hotel) commented
This can be very critical due to the fact that we can find it and assign it right away - rather than keep scrolling through the timeline in order to find it
Gert Jan van der Laag commented
Yes please!
Kayleigh Teer commented
This would be very helpful! We already have (group) reservations in for the next two years and this would save us a lot of time.
Giulia Di Marino commented
It would be helpful if you could click on the red line of an overbooking when viewing the timeline to jump directly to the overbooked reservation. This feature would save time and effort, especially when the overbooked dates are far ahead in the year, reducing the need to scroll manually through the timeline.