Recurring tasks
Tasks are very helpful to track daily responsibilities in Mews. However as many tasks are recurring, it could be helpful to eliminate that manual work and add a repeating tag to allow automatic repetition of those particular assignments on a daily, weekly, or monthly basis.
Werner Kochhäuser commented
Man kann ja jedem Mitarbeiter Aufgaben zuteilen. Allerdings ist es nicht möglich, wiederkehrende Aufgaben einzustellen. Diese müssen immer einzeln angelegt werden. Ich hätte gerne eine Option der Abfrage, ob die Aufgabe einmalig oder in einem bestimmten Intervall erfolgen soll (z.B. täglich, 2-tägig, wöchentlich, monatlich...). Besonders beim Housekeeping fände ich diese Option hilfreich, aber es nützt natürlich auch in anderen Bereichen. Super wäre es, wenn die Option bestünde, auch Aufgaben Zimmern zuzuweisen, z.B. für Grundreinigung, Waschen der Gardinen...
Christof Huber commented
Would be even better in form of a calendar (like in outlook)
Ida Busk commented
This would be amazing
Alex Price commented
This functionality already exists under the Schedule Export feature, it would be amazing and save a lot of time to copy/tweak this into the Add Task feature.
Bojana Karalic commented
Completely support the idea! We have a lot of monthly, weekly tasks and it would be great to not have to type them down every time for each week, month etc.
Thai commented
It will be great saving lot of time by creating recurring tasks.
p.vandenwittenboer commented
I would need more then a set like weekly, monthly (every so many days etc..) and being able to adjust 1 without breaking the original others.
We have stay cleanings every 7 days (long stays -> moth to 1/2 year) and sometimes they work in the apartment during the day and they request the next day only 1 time change)
Alex Roozendaal commented
It will be great saving lot of time by creating recurring tasks. a lot of them are daily, but also weekly and monthly tasks should be creating in one time.
jeremy commented
For Example while Setting a Task For Houskeeping to Clean a certaing Guests room every Monday. Would be nice if me and my colleagues wouldt have to create a new task for every week or 30tasks for a few moths. :D Otherwise very simple and Great softwear.
jeremy commented
Mews Task repeat funktion. would be nice if someone could Set a Task to repeat like every Monday or Thursday or Saturday. Kind Regards from Wunder locke in Munich.
Tea Rojnic John commented
Overbookings - click on red line in timeline and get directly into the overbooked reservation.
Eric Kröll commented
Hello everyone,
Eric from harry's home & Adler Hotels here :)
Recurring tasks would be very helpful for us, as a reminder for the front office. Our FO has to check the guest data which is mandatory and also automatically sent to HESTA & Statistic Austria.
Right now we have to manually set the tasks for each month instead of making 1 recurring task, which doesnt sound a lot but when you have to do it for 10 hotels it is quite time consuming. -
Mariann Ravbjerg commented
For group handling we are dealing with the same milestone follow ups.
offer send - follow up after 2 weeks.
1month cancellation deadline - chase for final figures
2 weeks prior to arrival - chase for rooming listStandard follow ups to ensure all ducks are in a row when the group finally arrives.
We have a lot a small groups with 20-40 people and for every group I now have to go in a make manually tasks to ensure I remember to follow up on the different. So 5 manual tasks for every group. typed 1 by one.
Would be great if there was a way of automating such repetitive tasks, since there is no other way to track "hey I haven't received the rooming list yet" :-)
I know there is already several suggestions for automatic tasks/recurring tasks...but here is twisting in for group handling. -
Telka Knapen commented
would also be helpful if we could create templates
Ross Brown commented
A feature that automatically assigns non-routine housekeeping or maintenance tasks based on occupied nights of a room or time would increase efficiency and overall guest satisfaction.
e.g., Occurance: after a room has booked 100 nights, then on the next turn over cleaning assignment a task to rotate the mattress is added. It could track if the manufacturer's label should be at the foot or head of the bead for inspection purposes.
e.g., Time: Every three months a task is added during the next room turn-over to clean the washroom exhaust fan.
e.g., Time: Once per year, a task is added during the next room turn-over to change batteries in the TV remote control.
Bob Tholhuijsen commented
Tasks must also be able to be entered periodically.