lookup/fetch reservation by customer name, email or 3rd party/external booking number
To retrieve a guest reservation during a remote check-in, the customer often use his name and/or email, and/or its 3rd party booking number (e.g. booking.com or other booker external number).
Currently reservation lookup by customer name or email can be accomplished with:
1. A first http call to lookup for the customer ID using his name or email
2. A second one to get the reservation using this customer ID.
And reservation lookup by name, email and/or 3rd party booking number can also be achieved by:
1. An http call to retrieve all the reservations within a date range (and result in downloading un-wanted guest/reservation data)
2. Then filtering the result for a match.
A reservation lookup method that will make use of the customer name, email and/or 3rd party booking references will prevent the download of all the reservations as an unknow amount of un-wanted data to process and filter.

You can fix this by calling GetAllCustomers (where you can filter by email, first name, last name) and then fetch all companionships by Customer Id. Lastly you can load Reservations that already contain 3rd party booking number
Martijn Pannevis commented
You (AFAIK) can't get a booking from an external reference, eg booking.com booking number 123ABC if you don't know the date.
Martijn Pannevis commented
I fully agree, it's strange you can't search for bookings on booking.com ID.