Marketplace: Google Hotel Ads integration
Google have recently unvield their Google Hotels platform. Google Hotels connects to all major OTA's and compares rates.
It is possible for Mews to build a connection directly to Google Hotels. Upvote this request to show your interest.

daphne commented
Is this reintroduced already? Would be great. I cannot follow the release link.
Femke van der Meer commented
Would be great if this can be reintroduced!
Lorenz Henggeler commented
Unfortunately the Google Hotels integration is not available anymore in the Marketplace, are there any plans to reintroduce it?
Femke commented
@Josef thank you for the update. Is there a rough expectation for the delivery of this?
Google launched now for hotels a more accessible program and i am doubting to signup via another partner in the meantime but this means I am stuck with a annual contract. -
Sales commented
Do you have this ability?
With other booking engines, we just signed a Metasearch agreement and we participated -
Marion Hawkins commented
This is a must!
Laurent Lacourt commented
Hi Josef, If I may enter the conversation I would suggest to create a direct connection as the one for if possible.
Gideon commented
Sérgio commented
If there was a way to merge with this idea the several other same ideas spread over the feedback request forum, it would give strength to this feature request.
Sérgio commented
We really should make a push to make this happen. It is vital at the moment that we have this integration. Shall we ask our colleagues to vote on this and at the same time talk with Mews representatives? There is an article updated last week saying that Mews is already in conversations with Google regarding this subject.
Sergio Pinheiro commented
Hello, this is a must have especially at this time we are struggling not only to fill our hotels but also to do it profitably. I have also proposed this idea some months ago and there other people proposing the same idea which is spread over. We really have to make a push on this.
Robert van Vliet commented
Essential tool to drive direct bookings. It makes it too expensive now by offering alternative companies to solve this. Mews should offer this!
Reda commented
Any update on this ?
Jurgen van Workum commented
Yes! This idea has been proposed by other users also already btw.
ILDE commented
Google is stepping into, Expedia and other OTA's (even some Metasearch) with Google Hotel Ads. All hoteliers want to show the option to book direct in their website when they appear in the search results when someone is looking for a hotel in X destination or a search has been done under the hotel name.
Right now clients using Mews Distributor needs to contract WHIP to connect to GHA. Having direct integration will add value to Mews Distributor by matching most of the BE that have this integration and reducing cost of distribution. We also know that clients using Mews Distributor have a bigger Merchant Volume, so extra revenue for Mews! Win-Win, so everybody is happy :-) -
Sérgio commented
I would be vital to have Mews Distributor booking engine connected to google hotel center.
Jurgen van Workum commented
Please do so!
Anonymous commented
Vasilije Budimlija commented
Indeed, being able to use GHA via Mews would be a great boost for direct sales.
Niko Effraim commented
Integrate Mews distributor with google live rates!
Maximize direct sales at least 50% with the combination google ads and google live rates.