payment verification status
We suddenly see cc payments coming through as "verifying" and in a high number too. this causes huge confusion for the guests and often frustration as well as they have to wait for codes from the bank which don't always come through immediately. A lot of guests think we are charging them twice and complain about the procedure.
we are therefore more and more steering away from using Mews payments and charging through the pdq machine instead.
any reason why this has changed?

Hello all,
This status update is part of our ongoing work to simplify and streamline how our UserVoice feedback forum operates. We are reducing the number of statuses to two (Idea to Upvote + Released) to help manage expectations about where each idea stands and to minimize the number of status updates required from our product teams. Our product team reviews everything you share, and we might reach out for more info if we need it.
Thanks for your patience as we work to bring your ideas to life! You can learn more about the changes coming to UserVoice from this post in the Mews Community.
Chiehong Weng commented
It is also not very clear when a payment is still verifying, so it is very easy to miss this. Our team thinks the payment/pre-autorization has gone through, while in reality the guest still needs to verify. We miss payments and pre-autorizations this way.
Please inform us properly when a payment/pre-autorization is verifying, so our team can pick it up. Email notification would be the best solution.