German Statistics for authorities
In Germany, we are legally required to send a monthly report of used and offered roomnights and nationalities to the authorities. In my last training, I found out that there is such a feature/integration already existing for Belgium, Switzerland and Italy etc. Can we please also have this for Germany so not every Hotelier has to check and calculate various reports to get all the information?
That would be a great thing!! :)

Hi Trini,
Thank you vey much for your feedback.
We are currently looking into integration providers such as AVS to provide statistical information for properties in Germany and would greatly appreciate your insights with regards to this.
Please contact me via email so that we can look into your request further? In the interim, this request has bene updated as one to be upvoted by the Mews Community.
Thanks & regards,
Werner Kochhäuser commented
Wir müssen in Deutschland alle monatlich die Daten der Anreisen kategorisiert nach Ländern an das Statistische Landesamt melden. Die Daten muss ich mir aus 2 Reports ziehen.
Ich hätte gerne einen Report, der die Daten direkt auf einen Blick darstellt: Wie viele Gäste aus welchem Land sind im vergangenen Monat angereist und wie viele Übernachtungen waren es pro Land.
Das macht die Meldung viel einfacher.
Noch besser wäre eine Direktanbindung per API an das Landesamt mit Meldung eben dieser Daten per Klick. Kenne ich so aus HS/3. -
Dennis Weiß commented
Any news regarding this? I think you should integrate with the eStatistik that provides an api and is free of charge: -
Mariann Ravbjerg commented
It is a national requirement in Denmark as well. Besides the below we should also fill data on what type of travel (business or leisure).
And ideally the possibility of an automatic SFTP export of this data would be amazing -
T. Sievers commented
Hello Mews Team,
in Gerrmany it is a obligation to do a monthly report of the used room nights, the amount of arrival, the time period the guests stayed at the hotel and the nationalities. So it would be amazing to get that in the Mews System! :-) -
Henning David-Friedemann commented
great idea Tini!