435 results found
Outlet charges before/after guest check-in/out
Charge the guest 12hrs +/- before check-in/out
2 votes -
Automatically refund cancellations within cancellation period
Automatic Refunds when Cancellation is outside the policy
2 votes -
room rate per night
see the room rate for long term stays without creating any guest profile or reservation. The guest change his idea to make a reservation
1 vote -
Make the daily exchange rate more visible
Good afternoon team Mews
Currently in mews we see that you handle a different exchange rate every day, can you help us to see this exchange rate reflected in the main panel of mews?Since currently the team has to be doing the manual calculations to know how much is the dollar exchange rate that is used every day, and this takes us time to be analyzing and taking out the exchange value of the dollar day by day.
I hope you can support me with this information in the part of the mews panel so that it is visible…
2 votes -
Routing rules - Bulk update
Currently you need to set an individual routing rule per company/ travel agency. Please add the option to add a rule to bulk/all companies on the system instead of having to add one by one. The aim on this occasion is to have the company that is assigned to the guest profile reflect on the final bill.
4 votesHello from the Mews product team,
Thank you for your suggestion, we have updated your request and set it as one to be upvoted by the Mews Community.
Remember you can share a link to your request so that your colleagues can also upvote your suggestion.
Enable payments with Bankcontact & Sofort
We have a lot of guest visiting from Belgium. Would be great if they could pay with Bankcontact and Sofort. We hear from a lot of guest that they would prefer to use this payment method.
4 votes -
A feature for fixed charges to roll on a specific date
A feature to post a fixed charge to roll on a specific date, so that you do not have to remember to post the revenue on the correct day - less chance of error this way
1 vote -
select personal time for the night audit
Let the acc. provider decide at which time the night audit shout take place.
So it is easier for late arrival or Bars to post there revenue.14 votes -
Registration cards for each room instead of each guest
Currently, if a guest books multiple rooms, and even if they have multiple names listed for that registration, you can only print one registration card, and that card will only have one of the room numbers on it. It would be much better to be able to print a card for each room.
11 votesHello from the Mews product team. Thank you for your suggestion, we have updated your request and set it as one to be upvoted by the Mews Community. Remember you can share a link to your request so that your colleagues can also upvote your suggestion.
Total amount of pre authorizations for consumption control
Total amount of pre-authorizations, currently there is only a list but not a total amount. We can see this amount in reports and from the client's profile for consumption control
1 vote -
2 votes
company Statement including invoice balance & period
There is no report on issuing a statement for an individual company, at any time of the month which should include invoice number, date of invoice, amount and the period (if it's overdue, how many days). Statements should be issued to companies on a regular basis in order to allow them to reconcile the account!
5 votes -
Block desk agents from accessing the cashier report in order to allow for blind drops for cash handling. Have system close and reset cashiers when it switches over to the new day.
1 vote -
Automatic bill creation
When we want to post for example minibar to a guest bill on checkout - this is 6+ clicks - it would be awesome to have a drop down menu on the bill page which you select the service to be posted and it automatically creates a bill. This saves in many cases very precious time on checkout both for the staff but more importantly the guests.
I am aware its less clicks from the checkout doughnut - but here you have to ctrl + f to find the room etc so time wise you do not save any time…
1 vote -
remove room number on bill
it would be helpfull if you can remove the room number from the bill. some guest expect this to be the final roomnumber while we can not guaranty it.
18 votes -
When rebating, it should book a credit as transaction right under the original posting and not just putting a wording "rebate" .
When rebating, it should book a credit as transaction right under the original posting and not just putting a wording "rebate" . it confuses FO team and they tend to double rebate.
7 votes -
Discount option
At the moment, MEWS only has the option of "Overridable prices". It would be great to have a "Discount" option where we can apply certain discounts to items of the choice (in percentages that will reflect to the amount). Connected to this, a report for all discounts given would be a good addition.
3 votes -
Stripe Account
Let properties own Stripe account to integrate in mews to collect prepayments via other payment options (EPS, Klarna, SEPA etc.)
4 votes -
Accounting editable history window
Remowe/extend the limit of accounting editable history window. Now it is set for maximum 7 days, but it should be up to property do decide what period should be editable.
2 votes -
Enhanced routing rules (on reservation level)
Many larger properties in the United States route rules on reservation level. For instance, in business travel, you need to route all room and tax to the paymaster and leave incidentals on the guest bill.
17 votesHello from the Mews product team,
Thank you for your suggestion, we have updated your request and set it as one to be upvoted by the Mews Community.
Remember you can share a link to your request so that your colleagues can also upvote your suggestion.
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