227 results found
Multiple guests in Reservation Pay Online
Currently only the owner of a reservation receives the online check-out email and is the only one that can pay the balance of the reservation before being able to check out. When there are multiple guests that have bills that need to be settled, if they cannot pay their bills online themselves, the group in that room won't be able to check-out online. My suggestion is that all guests in a reservation be able to receive a check-out email and pay for their Bill.
3 votes -
Automatically close bills once balanced to allow pushing to integrated accounting software
It would be useful if Mews could automatically close a bill once it is balanced. This would mean the bill is pushed to integrated accounting software (e.g. Xero) at the time of payment being received, so that accounts can be easily reconciled. Currently, a booking could be made in Mews for several months in the future and payment taken at the time of booking, however the bill will not be closed and then pushed to the integrated accounting software until they check out (or it is done manually). This means accounts cannot be easily reconciled without extra work.
It would…
10 votesHello from the Mews product team. Thank you for your suggestion, we have updated your request and set it as one to be upvoted by the Mews Community. Remember you can share a link to your request so that your colleagues can also upvote your suggestion.
Make invoice header on the invoice easily customisable / rewritable
Often guests don't tell us that they need a different address on the bill. After a while they tell us over the phone or by email and then it's an absolute pain that we can't overwrite the invoice header.
6 votes -
Open Bills
would be possible to have a report with all the open bills on Mews, in a particolar range of dates?
thank you for the kind Support
Best RegardsElisabetta Pettinato
Villa Olmi Firenze
6 votesHello from the Mews product team. Thank you for your suggestion, we have updated your request and set it as one to be upvoted by the Mews Community. Remember you can share a link to your request so that your colleagues can also upvote your suggestion.
Uitstraling factuur
Uitstraling factuur, layout ziet er niet mooi uit, Mogelijkheid om dit aan te passen naar onze wens, nu zijn er maar paar aanpassingen mogelijk
2 votes -
Direct Debits
The ability to setup and charge via Direct Debit
42 votes -
Payment Report by Department
The payment report is currently filterable by EMPLOYEE.
Filtering by DEPARTMENT would be more useful to us in terms of auditing.
1 voteHello from the Mews product team. Thank you for your suggestion, we have updated your request and set it as one to be upvoted by the Mews Community. Remember you can share a link to your request so that your colleagues can also upvote your suggestion.
removing the black bar on invoices
To save ink cartridges , we would like to remove the black bar on invoices
1 vote -
automatic preauthorization
It would help a lot for residences and holiday apartments if there would be an option to create an automatic preauthorization of a certain amount the day of arrival and automatic cancellation of the preauthorization f.e. 7days after departure.
0 votes -
INTERAC payment method
Interac is one of the most popular payment methods in Canada. Enabling this payment method for Canadian properties will help with implementing Mews Payments in Canada.
2 votesThanks for the idea, waiting to hear more from everyone! Setting the idea to be upvoted by everyone else in the Mews community.
Improve splitting items in billing
Billing in Mews only enables properties to split items between multiple guests but it doesn't allow properties to split 1 item beteen multiple guests.
If 2 guests want to split the cost of e.g. 1 night, Mews doesn't support issuing 2 invoices to both guests for this night.
Improve splitting items so that each guest can receive a an invoice if they want to split e.g. 1 night between multiple guests.
24 votes -
Mews Payments balance shows link to reservation or person it was made from
On the Mews Payments Balance report - it would be very useful to have the information of the reservation and person who made the payment.
Right now there is no way to see which payment is from which person / reservation.
1 vote -
Capability to choose for a receipt upon checkout
Both for the guests/booker when they are booking by Mews booking engine, or for staff at the booking process, or later by request from guests:
Giving the possibility to mark somewhere when you do the booking, that when the bill is closed at check-out time, the guest should receive the receipt by email automatically. This mark would then trigger this action and fwd the receipt either to the guest or the booker, again pending on the mark made when the reservation was done.
This to avoid the manually work to make a task that you should send the receipt at…
7 votes -
Add Twint to Payment Terminal
Please add Twint to MEWS Terminals.
It ist the biggest Payment accquirer after Mastercard and Visa.
5 votes -
Individuelle Gestaltung der Rechnung
Die Darstellung der Rechnung sollte individuell anpassbar sein, so dass man eigene Textfelder und Designs erstellen kann.
3 votes -
Obtain payment files from PSP to allocate payments
Obtain payment files from PSP to allocate payments
We need the payment details files from the PSP to load into this middleware in order for it to allocate the payments from exact and indicate the commissions deducted by PSP.1 vote -
UBL Format added beside the PDF invoice by email
We receive a lot of requests to send an UBL format invoice next to the PDF invoice we can already send.
Preferred to have the option to add an UBL format invoice or to have it automatically added.
A lot of companies demand these type of invoicing to make sure no errors are made in the payments or accounting department.
4 votes -
automatisation des paiements du solde d'une réservation
Dans les groupes tarifaires vous permettez au client de ne régler qu'une partie du montant de la réservation à la commande. Par exemple 40%.
Il faudrait automatiser le réglement du solde des 60% restant par exemple en fonction de la politique d'annulation choisie.
Ainsi si 100% de la somme est dûe 1 mois avant le début du séjour, il faudrait soit que Mews prélève automatiquement les 60% restant 1 mois avant le début du séjour sur la carte laissée par le client, soit quand ce n'est pas possible qu'une demande de paiement soit automatiquement créée et envoyée au client pour…
2 votes -
5 votes
Recurring payments
For the longstay segment recurring payments are required.
6 votes
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