Customizable Online Check-in requirements
As many guests utilize online check-in before arrival, it is currently designed to ask for only legally required details as part of the form. Many properties, however, would prefer to collect specific pieces of data that may not be included as part of that legal obligation. For this reason, implementing optional or customizable fields for online check-in would help properties to prioritize the data that is valuable to them.

Hi everyone, we know this idea was logged a long time ago and we thank you for the feedback and ideas about how to improve the system. We do keep an eye on these requests and how they're progressing and we recognise we have room to improve in terms of providing feedback.
This idea has become a large group of different requests, so I want to clarify the intention and progress related to this. Please do reply and comment as necessary.
We have previously made progress towards a big part of the original intent of this idea by introducing a 'Check in form' configuration in Mews Operations. You can find more details on this in our help guides here. We are not yet marking this as complete until we deliver some further enhancements to which guests the data can be configured for. We plan to share more on this in the coming months.
Thank you for your continued feedback.
Anna Adamczyk commented
In the Canary Islands registering all the adult guests is mandatory and we need passport/ID details of all of them. Therefore during the check in online it for us it is indispensable so that all adult guests give their passport details. For now Mews collects only email of the companion guest, and then he/she may log in and give more of the details which is time consuming and most of our guests do not do it or forget to do it. Bothering guests with phone calls or emails to fill up all the date is also time consuming for us especially that I do not see a template message that could help us with that. If automatization and saving time is our objective, it is necessary to have one check-in online for all adult guests that can be filled up by the titular of the reservation (just like in Ryanair for example). In our previous PMS Avantio we could choose the fields and data which we wanted to appear on the check-in online form. This solution was giving a lot of flexibility for every company depending on the region they were offering their business.
info commented
E-mail address is required for every guest in the same room. What about children who don't have an e-mail address yet?
Benoit Thewys commented
It would be so great !! Adding the licence plate to the online Check-In would be lovely 'cause it would save us almost 60 seconds per check-in. It takes a lot of time at check-in because people never remember their number. Please help us smooth the check-in process.
Svenja Heer commented
I understand, that it doesn't make much sense during online c/i, as not every guest arrives by car, but we should be able to add the field to the physical registration card at least.
keishiro ikenaga commented
That's a good idea. It 'll be better if we could customize the questions ourselves.
Graham Hadaway commented
this needs to be added to online check in form and assigned by guest
Charmaine Lee commented
When guests do the online check-in, we need it to be compulsory for them to fill in their ID details too. At the moment in the region where we are living, apparently it's not possible to do because it's not a legal requirement. But for us as a property, we want to know that everyone has an ID, so that if an incident happens like theft, the police have something to go on to try and catch the culprits. It's important for us to have this feature, since we are trying to work more with the covid-19 situation by making it safer for guests and our staff to keep safe distancing from each other. Please can you make this mandatory?
Claudia M. commented
we see a huge issue with the actual setup in US as there are nearly no requirements on what the guest has to provide. Therefore we do not collect any information during online check in. This is not helpful in regards to guest profile quality. We need to be able to ask our guest what we believe is required. There I support this request highly. And as usual, quick would be good as well.
Margot Demmers commented
because we use an entrance gate on our holiday park we ask all guests for their license plates. It would be easy if you could add it to the online check-in, but until then we would like to add it to the registration form so that the guest can also add it neatly when filling in his/her details.
Anonymous commented
We want to collect information if the stay was business or leisure.
Matthias Genetzke commented
Can the online check-in form include a mandatory email field (for the person that made the booking)?
This would help us update the guests profile with their actual email, instead of a generic one, in case of OTA bookings (such as etc)
Bob W. commented
That would work great for us as well - especially if the online check in arrival/departure times would automatically also update on the timeline accordingly. :)
Bibi Post commented
Ask the quest for arrival time in either the booking process or in the check in feature. It would really help with scheduling our front office hours.
Jakub Šalmík commented
Estimated time arrival will be nice for guest and property too because they could now when they will be more bussy. Guests could easily choose ETA in online check-in process (or booking process too). The property will have information when a guest arrives in the hotel. This could be integrated within Commander as well - like a statistic, list of guest sorted by time etc.
Mews Product Team commented
As guests complete their personal details during online check-in, this is a great time to ask if they might have any special requests or preferences. With an additional field, guests could then add any important information, which would then be automatically added to their guest profile so that property staff can prepare accordingly before they arrive.