Viva Wallet
To whom it may concern;
We have been using Agent Cash / Bizzon POS Software for many, many years now. I realize comparatively speaking Croatia is an extremely small market compared to other countries. And your company is in essence pulling out of the Croatian market due to the inability to accept credit cards. But I think that your are pulling out of a possible market that you could conceivably dominate. That market is small business owners and trade entities. Croatia severely lacks good options for the aforementioned markets. Since we have been forced to explore other point of sale options for our small store we have been through literal ****. Our options feel like they were programmed 20 years ago. Really, I am not joking! Bizzon is so far ahead of these other companies it is like comparing starting a fire with 2 sticks to starting a fire with a blow torch. Yes. Bizzon IS that GOOD!
What would it take you ask? There is a company called Viva Wallet that is absolutely fantastic! There support for clients is on par with Bizzon. They have a soft pos credit card application/APK for Android devices (NFC) and also a mini terminal that can connect to the android device via a bluetooth connection which enables a user to accept chip cards as well. Pair Bizzon with Viva Wallet and a Sunmi V2s device and you have a match made in heaven :)
It would take your programers maybe 2 days max to integrate Bizzon with Viva Wallet. All of Viva Wallets programming documentation can be found at . Any decent programmer could integrate it easily into Bizzon. When you do that do some advertising targeting small businesses and businesses that attend fairs here and you could have a significant source of income from the Croatian market alone.
In conclusion, Please Please pretty please with sugar on top 🙏 forward this email to people that want to make money for your company. Please do not pull out of the Croatian market I am literally on my hands and knees begging you not to!
Sincerely Yours,
Shane R. Hurst