Overriding Dependent Rates
Some of our rates are stand-alone during the week and dependent during the weekend. At the moment we have to ajust the weekend rates manually each time the base rate changes as mews doesn't support rate manipuliations on a daily bases per room type. We would definitely need the option to adjust dependent rates the same way as you adjust the base rate.

Hello from the Mews product team. Thank you for your suggestion, we have updated your request and set it as one to be upvoted by the Mews Community.
mike.faber commented
We're encountering a similar challenge. we would like to provide varying discounts for different dates each month. Currently, we need to use a separate rate for each discount percentage. It would be much better if we could simply adjust the discount percentage directly from the dependent for each day.
Max Witzmann commented
For us it would be super helpfull. I want post our examples:
we us dependent rates mostly for direct booking rates and long stay rates. in some periodes we want to discount these rates more in some less. now its not possible with just one rate. for each discount you need one rate