Additional export schedule file formats
Add new type field in export schedule to choose between .xlsx, .csv or .pdf

Vegard A. Kaspersen commented
Is there any update on this?
For all of our hotels in Smarthotel this is a big issue. For some reports pdf is possible if we do it manual, like the guest in-house report - then I do not understand why it can not be done automatically. -
j.haug commented
As mentioned several times below this is an essential option which almost every competitor is offering as a standard. Should be implemented as soon as possible
AdminMadeliene Graebig (Admin, MEWS) commented
Several Hotels asked for a easy to use format. Where they have everything in one PDF. Also for the different Stakeholders. They don't like to see xlsx Format. And so you have to manually format the xlsx file.
Brais Rodriguez commented
Añadir la opción de exportar reportes en formato .pdf es un MUST. Es la mejor forma para poder visualizarlo y muchos usuarios no se manejan con el excel.
Jesse Bielas commented
We definitely need this! Many of the reports are more functional in the format you see when you view them on the screen. There is definitely a place for excel format but pdf will be great!
Harold commented
adding PDF should be one option. No need to transform the report
DirkJan commented
PDF and plain text mail are mandatory!
Ethan R commented
I need to send reports to team members on a daily basis who do not use excel. I need to send them PDFs. Occupancy, Status, etc.
gasca.ioana commented
PDFs are so much easier to view and to read
Richie Vlasman commented
I will also like an overview in the email itself, like the revenue of that day etc.
It will give information faster then needing to open a file. -
Sven Vandewall commented
So this was once on the roadmap and was a later bounced back to idea to upvote? These options, especially the export tp PDF are a must have since the other file formats are not usable most of the time for our operational teams.
Max Witzmann commented
Additional to pdf export some Informations would be good to send as plain text message for example any massager. For example the kitchen or Service often just wants to know how much persons in the house. Therefore now its a long manuel way for such a simple information.
Robert Smit commented
When exporting to a CSV this comes via email as a Zip file which is not readable. A native or uncompressed CSV file would be preferred or as an option.
laura_villate commented
Agreed with all the below comments - Export to PDF is a necessity for all reasons outlined below
Ellen Cheslock commented
Please add pdf format for exports. Much easier to view on mobile devices. So important!
Alina Jensch commented
PDF is necessary for operations
Katja Steindl commented
Please add pdf format for exports. Much easier to view on mobile devices.
Nigel Beckers commented
PDF needs to be added. Or at least create a EXCEL file which has a better lay out to print directly!
Elsa van den Berg commented
The overview of most reports are more clear in PDF than in Excel. It would be really helpfull.
Svenja Heer commented
So important! Some reports are rather big and complicated for what most departments like restaurant, housekeeping etc. need.