25 results found
Adaptation of Vouchers for Agencies and Companies
We work with several companies and agencies, and we need to adjust the vouchers according to the specific conditions of each reservation. Currently, some companies pay by bank transfer, and we must adapt our documents accordingly.
Specific Requirements:
…Voucher Customization: Ability to dynamically modify the information displayed on the voucher based on the agreement with the client. Configuration Options: Do not include an email address. Do not store a credit card in the client's file; it should only be linked to the agency. If clients make additional purchases, the agency’s credit card will be charged. This is a major issue
1 vote -
Make new company profiles available quickly - prevent delays in checkout process
When creating a new profile to associate with a bill or to issue the bill on the company during check out it takes very long for a new company profile to be available for selection as company owner or associated profile. Sometimes it takes several minutes for the company profile to become available in the input fields!!!
This is unacceptable for most guests and unnecessarily prolongs and delays the checkout process.5 votes -
Sort bookings by different date criteria in a COMPANY PROFILE
Be able to sort bookings by date of departure and date of receipt, as well as date of arrival in a COMPANY PROFILE like Booking.com or Expedia. Depending on how you need it for the (monthly) bill.
4 votes -
Remove the chain name in all of our communication.
We are a standalone hotel falling under the same chain technically; we would like to have the chain name removed in all communication sent out since we have no affiliation with them.
4 votes -
8 votes
Add routing rule directly from company profile
It would be super handy if we could add the routing rule directly from the company profile instead of creating the company and then setting up the routing rule.
9 votes -
Check out Button nach dem Schließen einer Rechnung
Es wäre von Vorteil den Button zum Check-out (zusätzlich) auf der Seite zu finden, welche sich nach dem Schließen einer Rechnung öffnet. So spart man sich das ganze "zurück Klicken" bis man unter dem Status-Fenster den Gast auschecken kann.
Das würde den Check-out Prozess schneller und einfacher machen.35 votes -
E-mail templates / Automatically generated e-mail can be changed individually at "Service" level
Unfortunatelly it is not possible to change to the service name on the online check-in, unfortunately the online check-in configuration is outside of the services and located in the Settings > Property. Therefore it is not possible to change this text to use the service name.
5 votes -
Automate Notes in Reservations
Implement a feature to automatically generate a note in a reservation when a specific rate code or company is booked. Currently, notes need to be entered manually. An automated note would be useful for including specific instructions about payment, allocation, and any other important information for the front office. This enhancement would ensure consistency and efficiency in handling reservations.
5 votes -
Include 'Add New Company' Button From Guest Profile Screen
If you're searching for a company but the company doesn't exist in the system, usually there is an option to 'add new company' but this option doesn't exist when searching in the company field of the the guest profile for some reason. This would be super handy and avoid a lot of extra clicks.
3 votes -
Company Classification & Icon
Is it possible to create a company classification- as is already existing in the guest classification - so as to show which company profile is linked to a voucher ? It would enable the reservation agent to view which profile to link for the corporate rate code to appear when creating a reservation for a corporate guest. It would also enable to distinct company profiles with a corporate agreement in the company search profile.
10 votes -
IATA registered travel agencies sync
Given that the roster of IATA registered travel agencies is essentially finite, though subject to occasional changes, with updates regularly made to the IATA database, it might be advantageous for Mews to integrate access to this database. This would facilitate the selection and mapping of IATA agencies.
This notion parallels the address search functionality already incorporated, ensuring that hotels maintain an up-to-date repository of agencies for collaboration. Presently, a challenge arises wherein some properties list IATA agencies as separate companies, while others opt for the lengthier process of creating a travel agent contract.
By enabling selection from a pre-established list,…
6 votes -
Multiple email addresses
It would be easier to have multiple email addresses per company. One for the accounting department (invoices) and one for the confirmations for example in stead of making contact persons for every company.
16 votes -
Searchable fields for companies
Today we only have 2 searchable options for companies. It is the name and the External Identifier.
It would be great if we have more fields to search for in the searchbar i.e. phone number / e-mail address / fiscal information.
When the company profile is getting more and more attention with company billing and such it would be easy to implement a couple of more fields so it will be easier to get to the profiles.
10 votes -
Possibility to merge two companies together, where each of the companies have a Travel Agency Contract attached
At the moment, it is not possible to merge two companies together where both of the companies have a Travel Agency Contract attached.
It would be great to allow this merge without having to remove the TA contract first.
9 votes -
Travel Agent Contract search
The only filter option for Travel Agent Contract is Country. This makes it really difficult to find the correct contract, especially when you have several with approximately the same name.
Or - if Travel Agent Contract could be a filtering for the Companies so it could be found from there.
6 votesReview of Mews Search starting and in exploration phase
company profile dashboard
The company profile dashboard currently has some bills and invoices belonging to the company.
However, the organization of this is not quite easy to navigate around as someone would have to remember the bill numbers in order to find bills here. Instead, it would be great if there was a way to sort the bills by due date or closed dates. etc
15 votes -
Store the vaccination status so that it is clear and obvious at check-in whether the vaccination status is known or needs to be queried.
3 votesHello from the Mews product team,
Thank you for your suggestion, we have updated your request and set it as one to be upvoted by the Mews Community. Remember you can share a link to your request so that your colleagues can also upvote your suggestion.
Kind regards,
The Mews Team
Blacklist company
Ability to blacklist a company under the options on the company profile, you now can only choose invoiceable box.
26 votesHello from the Mews product team,
Thank you for your suggestion, we have updated your request and set it as one to be upvoted by the Mews Community.
Remember you can share a link to your request so that your colleagues can also upvote your suggestion.
New conversation with a guest
Start a new conversation with a guest. Now we can only receive messages from guests and reply when they started the conversation but not the other way around.
12 votesHello from the Mews product team. Thank you for your suggestion, we have updated your request and set it as one to be upvoted by the Mews Community. Remember you can share a link to your request so that your colleagues can also upvote your suggestion.
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