90 results found
Better view of Inquired reservations
please add Inquired reservations in both places, Reservation Overview and the Availability & Occupancy report
Is it possible to get a better view of the Availability & Occupancy report to also include INQUIRED reservations?
Per today we can see the number of Optional reservations and Inquired blocks, but not Inquired reservations - which would to get a clearer overview of wait listed reservations.
Per today, the only way to find the INQUIRED reservations is a very complicated and time consuming way, you have to go through the Reservations report and choose Inquired.
But On the Reservation Overview - used every…
25 votes -
verfügbarkeitsblöcke anzeigen
Ich fände es hilfreich, wenn bestehende Verfügbarkeitsblöcke in der Zeitachse mit angezeigt würden. Ich verschaffe mir gerne vor Buchung einen kurzen Überblick in der Zeitachse, was an dem Tag los ist. Wenn man eine Buchung anlegen will, werden die Zimmer aus dem Block als nicht mehr verfügbar angezeigt. Ich sehe, dass einiges verfügbar ist, aber bei Buchung dann nicht mehr. Dann muss ich erst im Verfügbarkeitsblock nachsehen (und auf die Idee kommen, dass es daran liegt), ob dort was hinterlegt ist. Eine andersfarbige Anzeige des Blocks würde sehr helfen.
2 votes -
More space types for hourly services
More space types for hourly services would be helpful - i'e.: Yoga/Experiences spot
2 votes -
Room Availability Display During Peak Season
Dear all,
We are currently in Peak Season, and the hotel is fully booked on certain dates. However, we have noticed an issue where, despite some room categories being overbooked, the hotel remains open for new reservations. This situation should ideally not occur, or there should be an alert indicating that the hotel is fully booked, requiring validation for any overbooking.
For example:
The hotel has 15 rooms in total, divided into 3 categories (Classic, Superior, and Sea View, with 5 rooms each).
For the night of December 31st, the hotel is FULL (15 rooms sold), but there is an…2 votes -
Mews App: Filtering "Service" on the Spaces Page should automatically reflect in "Assign" Page
It can be cumbersome to filter further on the "Assign" Page (hand icon) when a client has already filtered the service on the "Spaces" Tab (house icon), especially for the number of Spaces we still have to go through in order to select the correct space per that service. Somehow, ALL the spaces are still listed regardless of the filtered services.
2 votes -
Availability Block report - show Room Picked-up / Blocked
Can you under the Availability Block Report add a column for Picked-up/Blocked rooms?
So we easily can see what block that still have rooms blocked but not picked up, without having to open each and everyone to check for blocked rooms.
Per today we only see "status, Start, End, Release, etc"Then we can more easily sell it to someone else !
7 votes -
Restriction Edit always back to today while editing
While Editing Restrictions in calender mode or in List mode the view goes after saving always back to today and not to the preselected date period.
1 vote -
Internal Use multi choice
If you want to block a room for internal use you have to this one by one. a multi choice would be helpfull
1 vote -
Make space occupancy age depended
Guest book a room online for 2 adults in a room where we can accommodate 2 adults maximum. But the guest check in with a baby. And we want to adjust the occupancy of the room to 2 Adults and 1 Baby. This is needed for the security of the guest in case of e.g. a fire. It is essential that we know how many people are in the hotel and how many are in a certain room. If we change the maximum occupancy to 3 this would mean guest can book the room for 3 adults. Only we do…
12 votes -
Manage capacity and prices spaces by timeframe
It would be very useful to create a time frame with different minimum capacity by room, i mean adapt capacity to diferent time periods to enable dynamic pricing for peak/low season.
It's needed too to charge free children in one specific period for commercial purpouses1 vote -
I'd like to make a suggestion regarding our hotels. As they are owned by multiple owners, each one is assigned different rooms. Profit shari
I'd like to make a suggestion regarding our hotels. As they are owned by multiple owners, each one is assigned different rooms. Profit sharing is based on the revenue generated by these rooms. Therefore, we need each room to have a separate accounting account
1 vote -
Availability Block All Rooms
We are a small events venue with 22 guest rooms. When we get a wedding room block it is almost always for all rooms on property. When setting up a block, we add all 22 room categories one by one. We would really love it if there was a bulk add option all space categories to the block. Also helpful if there was a way to then allocate all available rooms in a category and not click on each category to adjust the number of spaces held.
5 votesHello from the Mews product team,
Thank you for your suggestion, we have updated your request and set it as one to be upvoted by the Mews Community.
Remember you can share a link to your request so that your colleagues can also upvote your suggestion.
New resource type to be supported: bike
With the recent release of hourly reservations, we have noticed an increase in demand from customers who want to manage their bikes on Mews. As Mews currently does not support “bike” resource type, they often use workarounds.
Would you like bikes to be added to the list of supported types? Let us know!
You can increase the chances of bikes being added by sharing more details about your service and why bikes are important to you. Thank you.
14 votes -
Percentage adjustment per day at dependent rates
we would like to provide varying discounts for different dates on dependent rates. Currently, we need to use a separate rate for each discount percentage we would like to offer. It would be much better if we could simply adjust the discount percentage directly in the dependent rate for each day.
1 vote -
New resource type to be supported: boat
With the increased adoption of bookable services functionality, we have noticed an a demand from customers who want to manage their boats (and sometime house boats) on Mews. As Mews currently does not support “boat” resource type, they often use workarounds.
Would you like boats to be added to the list of supported types? Let us know!
You can increase the chances of boats being added by sharing more details about your service and why boats are important to you. Thank you.
9 votes -
Automate Availability Adjustment Release
A client raised a strategy they used at their property to manage overbookings in lower space categories.
They would add an availability adjustment of +1 to the space allowing it to overbook. Once that eventual booking enters Mews, they would then reassign it to the actual space available (a space that typically is last to be sold).
However, the +1 adjustment currently remains unless a user intervenes manually to remove it. Suggestion: Is there a way to automate the release of that adjustment by considering "full occupancy" of the hotel at that point?1 vote -
Reassign Reservation Spaces
I would like it if Mews could reassign reservations to a different space if it could open up another reservation. I have a couple of niche uses for this at my property but can think of a few ways other properties may use it too.
My property has 22 rooms with 22 space categories because our guests like to book their favorite room and we want to cater to that. I have a few rooms that would work really well as desk space because they are big and I can lock the bedroom doors to prevent their use if it…
1 vote -
The Availability screen should display rates per room categoriy according to selected rate plan.
1 vote -
Single Space Under 2 or more category type
Single Space Under 2 or more category type
The feature to automatically disable the other category when one category is booked for a single room/bed is not available.
For example Room 101 is a Quad room but I also want it to be a four-bed dormitory room. Depends on the first customer the bed will be selected as a quad room or a 4 bed dormitory. The other category will be disabled when another one is selected if dormitory it will be dormitory and quad room category will be disabled for that room.
3 votes -
Automatic Space Blocks
Automatic block on space prior to arrival and after departure, to ensure enough time to prepare space for the next guest. This is important for units or during peak periods, so that space isn't booked back-to-back when cleaning capacity is limited.
1 voteHello from the Mews product team,
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